Newsletter 14th April 2022

Bayview Primary School
School Newsletter
Empower Our Future

Newsletter Date:  31 March 2022

Issue: 4/22


What a crazy two weeks since our last newsletter. You have probably read that Bayview School was flooded on Monday 21st March with the weather bomb that hit. Habitats 2, 3, and 4 have had to relocate to alternative spaces while their carpets are dried and sorted (lifted and replaced) and habitat 5H is working in a reduced area of their space whilst an assessment is completed of their carpets. We live in hope that this work can be completed over the term break, but recent communications with the Ministry of Education suggest this may take a little while longer. In essence because there is more than $20000 worth of damage that had been done to classrooms it requires the involvement of an insurance assessor. Once this is complete we will have to submit quotes to repair to the Ministry of Education property division who may take up to a month to approve the works. We then need to work alongside the approved flooring company to have the existing carpets ripped up and new carpets laid. We thank the teachers of these classes for their flexibility and the children for their resilience. 


You will be aware of the changes already and about to be made to the covid protection framework.

  • Masks are still mandatory for Y4-6 learners and staff.
  • Indoor limits have been increased from 100 to 200.
  • After the 4th April the mandate for all education staff to be vaccinated is dropped. As you know all our staff are fully vaccinated. 

Next week we will be changing our break times slightly to get our learners used to being in and around higher numbers of children. Monday through to Friday our second break will be combined with all learners at break together. Our first break will remain staggered. On Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th April both breaks will be combined with all learners together. We are doing this to prepare the children for term 2 where we are hoping to return to our normal pre-covid break times (assuming nothing else happens to prevent us from doing this).

At this stage we are waiting for Auckland to move to orange level before we make any further changes. These may include holding some outdoor assemblies (under the new COLA once installed); potentially inviting parents to drop and pick up their children to and from the classroom door. We will still ask parents and caregivers to wear a mask though as this will provide that extra layer of protection for our children.  

Our teachers are looking at potential trips into our local environment, which could mean a walk to the waterfall or through the Lynn reserve to visit the Bayview kauri tree, or something similar. For this we will require parent helpers and the change to the CPF means parent helpers no longer need to prove their vaccination status.

Our parents and caregivers that work with our sports teams no longer need to have a vaccine pass but they do still require a police check under the Vulnerable Children’s Act.

Our focus will continue to be to keep our learners and staff safe but I have every faith that you will continue to work alongside us to do this.


We have been trying for 2 years now to have the Covered Outdoor Learning Area erected on our courts. The week beginning 4th April Novoshades are due onsite to begin the installation process! Their first installation is the foundations which will then need to settle and set before the actual structure can be installed. This may disrupt the ability to use the main court area but in true Bayview style we will deal with that as it happens. The COLA is due for completion on the 25th May. This is going to be an awesome asset to the school and I know will get a lot of use by the community out of school hours.


As a result of the chronic vandalism that occurred at the beginning of the year we have had 13 cameras installed around the school to monitor behaviour during and after school hours. These have proven invaluable already. The quality is high and we are able to go back and view footage from around the school. The great news is that vandalism has been minimal since these have been installed. Let’s hope this continues especially once the COLA has been installed. 


Each year we hold elections for our head pupils. Our Year 6 learners nominate themselves, put together a video on a theme given by us and then all our learners and staff vote on who they feel is best for head boy and head girl. I am incredibly proud of every Year 6 learner who put their names forward and stood for the position. It has been difficult to co-ordinate around the disruptions of this term.

I am proud to announce the following head pupils for 2022:

Head Girl – Bethani Neil-Clark

Head Boy – Kasey Hawkins

Deputy Head Girl – Tahel Avdish

Deputy Head Boy – Chase Wallace

BAYVIEW SCHOOL LOGO                         

Nga Tamariki – the faces of the children.       

The silouettes in the logo depict the children who are the new generation of tomorrow. Our leaders and the people of the future. The symbols of the two faces represent empowering children to develop skills for life, looking forward and beyond.


Just a reminder that on  Tuesday 12th April we will be closing the school at 12.30pm so we can hold feedback meetings. The Bayview Community Centre after school care will be open from 12.30pm on this day. We do request that all adults attending these meetings please wear a proper mask and keep this on whilst in the school grounds. This will help ensure the safety and wellbeing of our teachers. 


This year marks the very first public holiday to celebrate Matariki, the Māori new year! This year it is scheduled for Friday 24th June. On Monday 27th June we are holding a Teacher Only day to hold a Kaipāitiki Kāhui Ako conference. I am letting you know this now as you may wish to look at having a long weekend during that time.


Tuesday 12th April – school closes at 12.30pm

Thursday 14th April – School closes at 2pm

Friday 15th April – 1st May – School holidays

Monday 6th June – Queen’s Birthday Holiday

Friday 24th June – Matariki Holiday

Monday 27th June – Teacher Only Day (school closed)

Friday 8th July – school closes 2pm (end of term 2)


The principles in the NZ curriculum outline the foundations of Bayview School’s curriculum decision making:

High expectations At Bayview School, our curriculum supports and empowers learners to progress and achieve through modelling, scaffolding, regular communication and encouragement.

Cultural diversity At Bayview School, our curriculum encourages learners to value the histories, beliefs and traditions of all people.

Inclusion At Bayview School, our curriculum is inclusive. Teaching and learning is designed to ensure that all learners’ identities, languages, abilities and talents are recognised and affirmed, and learning needs are supported.

Coherence At Bayview School our curriculum makes connections within and across all dimensions (values, learner qualities, local curriculum, and learning areas). Teaching and learning provides authentic experiences to empower our future.

Future focus At Bayview School, our curriculum acknowledges the changing nature of the world and we encourage our learners to be curious and inquire about current issues and how these can be addressed now to support better outcomes for the future.

Treaty of Waitangi At Bayview School, our curriculum allows students to experience opportunities within and across learning areas that help them understand and acquire knowledge of Te Ao Māori, Te Reo Māori, me ona tikanga and the bi-cultural foundations of Aotearoa New Zealand. 

Community engagement At Bayview School the support of whānau and the wider community is valued. We develop positive relationships with whānau so they can be actively involved in their child’s learning. 

Learning to learn At Bayview School we explicitly teach the qualities of an effective learner. This empowers our learners to be agentic across all curriculum areas. 

Dates for diaries

Hearning and vision testing


Feedback meetings 1pm – 6pm by appointment


End of term 1 

School finishes at 2pm


Easter Good Friday


Term 2 begins


Queens Birthday


Matariki Holiday


Teacher Only day



A huge welcome to the following learners who have started at Bayview School!

Tianna Hawes, William Dropulich, Ruby Henderson

We look forward to developing our connections with you over this year and to give every child at Bayview the best learning opportunities. We are stronger when we work together. 

                                                                           Di and Team Bayview Staff



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