Newsletter Date: 14 April 2022
Issue: 5/22
And just like that it was the end of term 1! What a crazy ride! Our tamariki are very tired, this is the first full term for most of them since term 2 last year and they really need a break. I hope you get to spend some quality time over Easter reconnecting with your loved ones and doing the things that make your soul sing! I just want to thank you all for your support over the past 3 months as we have welcomed the children back onsite full time. It has been difficult to say the least with the many changes we have all had to navigate and with having covid on our doorstep! As a school we have been able to keep our children and staff safe and you have played a big part in that by supporting our Health and Safety Plan. At this stage we remain bound by the red light setting of the CPF. This may change with a move to Orange but at this stage we must still wear a mask when onsite (staff, visitors and learners from Y4-Y6), we continue to meet gathering limits inside and to ensure our hygiene routines are followed rigorously. We will advise you of any changes that may occur for the start of term 2 through Seesaw so please keep an eye out.
Sometimes things are sent to try us and it would seem getting a COLA built at school is one of them. Novoshades has been in contact and they have been impacted by Covid. They have not had the staff available to begin the installation process this term. Instead they have rescheduled the work for the start of term 2. This will push the completion date back just a little bit. It is going to be great once it’s completed!
Our uniform committee have been working alongside our suppliers and have decided on our new uniform. We wanted something new that reflected our new school colours and incorporated some of the design features of our new logo. The Board has ratified the new uniform and this will be available for purchase from the beginning of 2023. You will have the 2023 school year to transition to the new uniform with everyone in the new uniform for the start of the 2024 school year.
Here is a picture of the new uniform. You can see on the polo that we have incorporated our school colours of Night Sky (dark blue), cyan and purple. We heard you when you said the light blue of our existing polo was too hard to keep clean. We are hoping this new polo will be a bit easier. We also had feedback around the polar fleece with requests for a full zip as opposed to the current half zip. We have chosen a dark blue for this to fit in with the new polo. We are not changing the bottoms and you are still able to find your own dark blue shorts, skorts, skirts, or trousers. We are still looking at school hats and will let you know about this once this decision has been made. Shoes remain the same i.e. dark blue sandals or black shoes (these can be black sports shoes).
We are changing suppliers and will be working with Argyle Clothing to produce this uniform. You will be able to purchase this from Janbells in Mairangi Bay or online through their store. We will hold some different sizes here at school so you can decide the size you would like. We will not be selling the uniform from school. We will be sending you all the details closer to the time.
We know the transition period will be a bit messy but we know the end result will be worth it!
Today we are sending you out a survey as we need to know how many polo shirts and polar fleece you may want to purchase for the beginning of next year. This information will be sent to our new suppliers so they can ensure there is enough stock. The link for this will be sent out on Seesaw.
For this year please continue to purchase the existing uniform from the Warehouse in Glenfield Mall as there will continue to be stock there while we transition to the new uniform.
Thank you to everyone who attended feedback meetings on Tuesday. It was so lovely having you back onsite! The teachers enjoyed catching up with you and sharing the progress your child has made at school. Thank you for following our guidelines by wearing a mask and keeping our staff safe.
This year marks the very first public holiday to celebrate Matariki, the Māori new year! This year it is scheduled for Friday 24th June. On Monday 27th June we are holding a Teacher Only Day to hold a Kaipāitiki Kāhui Ako conference. School will be closed on these days.
Dates for diaries
End of term 1
School finishes at 2pm
Easter Good Friday
Term 2 begins
BOT mtg 6pm
Queens Birthday
Matariki Holiday
Teacher Only day
BOT mtg 6pm
End of term 2 2pm
A huge welcome to the following learners who have started at Bayview School!
Justine Yoong, Griffin Mothersole
We look forward to developing our connections with you over this year and to give every child at Bayview the best learning opportunities. We are stronger when we work together.
Have a wonderful Easter break!
Di and Team Bayview Staff