Latest Newsletter – 12 May 2022

Bayview Primary School
School Newsletter
Empower Our Future

Newsletter Date:  12 May 2022

Issue: 6/22


We have had a very positive start to term 2! It looks like everyone had a great break and enjoyed some much needed rest time. It was great to be under orange light settings so we could be more free in our interactions whilst still keeping ourselves safe!
It has been lovely welcoming you back onsite to do drop off and pick up. Thank you for keeping our children and staff safe by following our covid protections. Your support with this has been amazing!
This term we are looking at getting out and about in our local neighbourhood with many classes planning trips to the Bayview waterfall or local bush walks. We have reignited our sports teams with basketball, netball, gymnastics, rippa rugby, and other sports starting competitions. This means we are moving towards our new normal and getting back to the things our children love being involved in.


With the move to the orange light setting it means we have reviewed our covid protections. You will be aware that under orange it is strongly advised that people continue to wear masks. There are some schools where they have kept the rule that everyone must wear a mask. At Bayview our approach has always been around teaching our learners the importance of the different protections available to keep themselves and others safe, including mask wearing whilst inside, hand washing and sanitising, safe physical distancing and also the importance of a healthy diet and getting enough sleep. Mask wearing is the most important safeguard we are able to use which is why we are still encouraging our learners from Y4-6 to wear their masks while inside. We also continue to encourage our staff to wear masks for their protection and the protection of our learners. No one likes wearing a mask but there are many unseen benefits including stopping other illnesses such as flu, colds, RSV, etc; giving emotional support to those still experiencing high levels of anxiety, making them feel safer; creating the sense of team with everyone pulling together to achieve positive outcomes. I would like to thank you for your support in this with your continued mask wearing around the school and for supporting your child through all of this. These are not easy times but it makes it so much easier when we all work together.
So far this term we have had 11 learners and 3 staff test positive for covid. Each of them has taken the appropriate time off in isolation. 

Covered Outdoor Learning Area 

Great news! Work is due to begin on our COLA on Tuesday 17th May at 7.30am! Novoshades changed owners and we now have a confirmed start date and completion time frame (by the end of term 2).
This will impact us over the next couple of months though as the courts will be fenced off and will not be able to be used for break times or for sports practices. We know this is an imposition but the final result will be well worth it! Mrs Cray will be in contact with sports team coaches and managers to discuss practice options. Thank you for your patience around this.
Please be aware that there may be trucks and heavy machinery moving past the hall and in the carpark area during this time. Trucks and equipment will not move while our children are coming to and from school nor during break times.


On Friday 20th May we are holding the annual Pink Shirt Day. Genevieve Anderson is co-ordinating this for 2022 and here is her message:
Next Friday the 20th of May is Pink Shirt Day. Pink Shirt Day is about stopping bullying by learning how to be kind to each other. At Bayview School, we celebrate it by wearing pink or red shirts and bringing a gold coin donation for the Mental Health Foundation. We also have fun activities for all of the students to participate in throughout the day. This year’s activity will remind us all that we can be kind and support each other every day, not just on Pink Shirt Day! Thank you for supporting Pink Shirt Day, Genevieve (habitat 17) 


If your child is in Habitats 2, 3 or 4 you will have been impacted by the floods on the 21st March which caused your child’s class to have to relocate to a different space.  I tried to get this resolved over the term break but was unsuccessful in getting this across the line. These classrooms have now been cleaned by professional carpet cleaners so that classes can relocate back to them but we are still working to have the carpets fully replaced, we are just waiting on the Ministry of Education to approve the insurance claim. Due to this delay we will try to get any carpet replacement done in the July term break. This will lesson the disruption to these poor Year 1 learners! Thank you for your patience and understanding around this.

PARENTS OF YEAR 6 LEARNERS                         

If your child is in Year 6 this year it is now time to start considering which intermediate school they will be attending in 2023. All our surrounding intermediates now have a zone in place. Most of our Bayview learners are in zone for Glenfield Intermediate. We recognise this is a big decision as does Mark Whitford, Principal of Glenfield Intermediate (GIS). Mr Whitford would like to give parents as much information as they need to help them make this decision. On Thursday 9th June, Mr Whitford will be at Bayview School in our staffroom to meet with any parents who would like to know more about what GIS offers and to give parents the chance to ask any questions they may have. We request that you please wear a mask when you are inside our staffroom.


A huge welcome to the following learners who have started at Bayview School!

Oscar Zhao, Eva-Rose Roelofse, Layla De Vries, Jericho Saumanaia, Harley Cooper, Kyle Cooksey-Otutaha, Ella Olsen, Hayul Cho, Toby Gardiner, Elayna Rummel

We look forward to developing our connections with you over this year and to give every child at Bayview the best learning opportunities. We are stronger when we work together. 


Dates for diaries

COLA foundations being installed


Pink Shirt Day


BOT mtg 6pm


Queens Birthday


Glenfield Intermediate School meeting for Y6 parents 2.30pm @ Bayview School


GIS roadshow @ Bayview


Matariki Holiday


Teacher Only day


BOT mtg 6pm


End of term 2 2pm


Di and Team Bayview Staff



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