Newsletter Date: 15 September 2022
Issue: 13/22
We are certainly living in a time that will go down in history.
Our thoughts go out to the royal family at the loss of their matriarch, Queen Elizabeth II. Regardless of everyone’s view of the institution she represented, she was a magnificent human who cared deeply for others and who was a remarkable role model as a leader. The Government have announced a day of remembrance for Queen Elizabeth II on Monday 26th September. Bayview School will be closed on this day.
You will also be aware that the government have moved away from the covid protection framework. This has had very little impact on what we do at Bayview School.
Moving forward we will:
- Continue to keep up our hygiene procedures of wiping surfaces regularly, encouraging children to use hand sanitiser regularly and ensuring good ventilation in indoor spaces.
- Support our learners and staff who wish to continue wearing a mask.
- Welcome parents back onsite and encourage mask wearing when inside buildings.
- Ask parents to continue to keep sick children at home as this will prevent the spread of illness.
Changes made to the covid response mean that:
- Staff and students who test positive to Covid must isolate for 7 days.
- Household contacts no longer have to isolate but must have a daily Rapid Antigen Test for 5 consecutive days. They may attend school if they test negative and do not have COVID-19 symptoms. Information on how to get RAT kits can be found here: Request a RAT– Ministry of Health
Thank you for all your support during the past few years and in moving forward. It has taken a team to get through and we are so grateful that our team worked so well together.
On Wednesday 28 September at 10am we will be holding poroporoake (a farewell) for Mr Allison and Ms Mottram. This will be held on the court area. Parents and caregivers are welcome to join us for this.
Following this a small contingent of staff and students will be taking Mr Allison to Glenfield Intermediate School on Thursday 29th September for a mihi whakatau (welcome) as he embarkes on the next step in his career. Both Jacob and Sam will be with us until the end of term 3. We wish them both every success as they progress with their careers.
Our COLA project has been delayed due to shipping delays from Australia to Aotearoa NZ. The expected completion date is now December. To say we are frustrated is an understatement!!
During the October break Vector will be completing an upgrade of the power supply coming into the school. You may notice some works happening around the front of the school while Vector complete this. We hope this does not cause any inconvenience to our community.
Also during the holiday break we will begin our refurbishment plans. During term 4 some habitats will relocate to the hall while others move to Habitat 9 or the multi media suite. A separate letter is coming home today to the affected habitats.
We are very happy to announce that our new Bayview School uniform is almost ready for purchase. Pre orders are available from the 1st October with limited stock arriving mid October 2022. Preorders are available for new Year 0 learners joining Bayview School in Term 4 2022 only. Full stock will be available from January 2023.
We have changed our supplier and our uniform is now being provided by Argyle Schoolwear and can be purchased either online or in store at Janbells Uniforms.
Janbells details are:
- Shop 7, 408 Beach Road, Mairangi Bay, Auckland 0630
- Phone: 09 4783450
- Email: [email protected]
- Website: (click on School Uniforms, Bayview School. Not available until the 1st October)
- Opening hours for instore shopping: Monday-Friday 9am – 5pm, Saturday 9am – 3pm, Sunday and public holidays closed.
Janbells offers layby and afterpay as other payment options.
Please note from the beginning of term 4 The Warehouse Glenfield will no longer stock our uniform. If you are unable to purchase the new school uniform from Janbells please come and see us in the office and we will sell you some of the old uniform at cost.
Our uniform consists of:
- Polo shirt (only available at Janbells)
- Zip up polar fleece jacket (only available at Janbells)
- Dark blue shorts, skort, trousers (can be purchased anywhere but also available from Janbells)
- Sunhat (required in term’s 1 and 4 available from Janbells)
- Beanie and scarf (optional during the colder months available from Janbells)
- Sandals (summer, can be purchased anywhere but also available from Janbells)
- Appropriate covered footwear e.g sports shoes (can be purchased anywhere but also available from Janbells)
- White, Black or dark blue socks (in line with our new school colours).
- Earrings should be studs only for safety reasons.
- Jewellery can include a watch or culturally significant necklace.
The Bayview Board has decided that 2023 is our transition year into the new uniform. This allows parents the opportunity to upgrade to the new uniform during 2023 when you are able to.
All Bayview Learners will need to be in the correct new school uniform by the beginning of 2024.
Our new school uniform with our new logo is something we are very proud of and we want our learners and yourselves to be proud of this as well. Please support us by ensuring your child’s uniform is clean and is worn correctly each day.
As this uniform is new, we will not have any second hand items available for purchase in the office.
Our sports uniform is still available through ezlunch and we do hold a few second hand items in the office.
If you have any queries regarding this please feel free to contact the office.

This is deputy head boy Chace modelling our new polo shirt.
Out of zone enrolments for 2023 are now open. You can fill in an application form online from our school website or they are available from the school office. We are only offering 18 places for the 2023 school year. If you live out of our school zone and you have a child due to start next year it is important that you fill in the form before the 15th October to be considered for a place.
Congratulations to every learner who participated in the school cross country. Today our Y4-6 runners competed in the interschool cross country. This was held at Target Road Primary this year.
Dates for diaries
BoT mtg 6pm
Poroporoake 10am
Orders for Kids Art work close
Term 3 finishes 2pm
Term 4 begins
Chocolate fundraiser for camp begins (Y4/5 learners only)
Ballot for out of zone enrolments
Class and portrait photos
Last school day for 2022
Di and Team Bayview Staff