Newsletter Date: 17 November 2022
Issue: 16/22
It is crazy how fast time is flying! We now have 4 ½ weeks of school left for 2022 which equates to 21 ½ school days. We have so much planned during this time that it is going to be full on! Thank you for all you are doing to support your children. It has been lovely seeing so many of you come up to watch our athletics days and joining school trips. The kids always love it when you are able to come and be part of their school events. Just a reminder about our scheduled open day on the 25th November where you are invited to come in and have your child share all of their successes for the year. You are welcome to come at any time between 8.30am and 3pm. Often parents will bring a picnic lunch along so after their sharing time they have kai together with their children. Just a reminder that our breaks times are 10.45am – 11.15am with eating time 11.15am – 11.25am; and second break is 1pm – 1.30pm with eating time from 1.30-1.40pm. We hope you can join your child for this special celebration of learning.
It is lovely to see our new learners wearing the new uniform with pride. It looks great! Just a reminder that we do have stock of our old school uniform at the office that you can purchase as these are no longer available from the Warehouse. Our new school uniform is available from Janbells
Last week our kapa haka performed for the Home Grown Kids playgroup over at the Bayview Community Centre. Normally at this time of year the kapa haka would be performing at the Onepoto Cultural festival but due to the construction happening at Onepoto School they have been unable to provide this performance opportunity. Thank you to Shelley, Whaea Carol and Whaea Aarani for giving our children these opportunities.
CAMP 2023
Next year our Year 5 and 6 learners will be going to Camp Adair in the Hunua Ranges from 3rd-6th April. Our Year 5/6 teachers are working hard to try to do fundraising to support the cost of camp. We have a ratio of 1 adult for every 4 children on camp. We have to pay for accommodation and food for these parents. We don’t ask them to pay as they are ‘on duty’ 24/7 during their time there and look after all our children to ensure their safety. Upcoming fundraisers include iceblocks on Friday’s, we are selling rugby balls on 9th December, and next year there will be more! We thank you in advance for supporting our children and staff with this as every little bit counts.
A huge thank you to everyone who has supported our learners selling chocolates for camp! The profit for every box sold is taken off that child’s camp fee. Some children are close to paying off their entire camp fee from this fundraiser! For the first time in many years we have almost sold out of chocolate!
Our annual library stocktake is happening on the 5th – 9th of December. We need ALL library books returned by this date please. Unreturned library books will be invoiced to the last child who took it out of the library. Please take the time to search for these at home now!
We would also love to have our readers returned please. If you come across any reading books under couches or beds or stuffed at the bottom of school bags please send these back to school also.
We are also on the lookout for tokens! If your child has a stash at home please encourage them to bring them back to school to use with our voting system.
We have some opportunities coming up where our 2022 Year 4 and 5 students can offer their service to the school for the 2023 academic year. Ms McGuire has already asked for expressions of interest in training for crossing patrol and chain gang. These children require official training by the NZ Police this year and once accepted and trained, will work alongside this years’ monitors to gain valuable experience and courage!
We are also currently looking for our head boy and girl for 2023. These students must be Year 6 in 2023 and must ‘want’ to take on this position and all the responsibility that goes with it.
A huge welcome to the following learners who have started at Bayview School!
Eliaz Moke, Benjamin Bayer
We look forward to developing our connections with you over this year and to give every child at Bayview the best learning opportunities. We are stronger when we work together.
Di and Team Bayview Staff
Dates for diaries
All unsold chocolates and money due back to school
Interschool athletics day
Open Day – student led conferences
H18 Zoo trip
Whanau hui 6pm
H15 strema trip
H1 & 8 Zoo trip
2023 road patrol training 9am
BOT mtg 6pm
School colour run
Library stocktake
Kauanuanu big day in
Harakeke big day in
H11 toilet block renovations begin
Pikorua big day in
Sports prizegiving.
Venue TBC
Year 6 graduation at C3 Belong Church 5.30pm
H13/14 AUT Millenium centre
Kauanuanu Bronze We Care award ceremony 9.15am
Harakeke Bronze We Care award ceremony 9.15 am
Pikorua Bronze We Care award ceremony 9.15am
Whole School Prizegiving at C3 Belong Church 6pm
End of year reports sent home
Farewell Assembly 9am
Last school day for 2022
Also just a reminder all unsold chocolates and money need to returned by tomorrow Friday 18th November.
Kids Klub
Driver and general staff required
We require a driver to transport children from Glenfield Primary School to other local schools during the school term. We have a 12 seater van that would be supplied. Hours would be approx. 8.00am – 9.00am.
We also require additional staff to work at our before school, afterschool and holiday programme.
If you are interested, please phone Bruce on 027 272 6994 during work hours, or email me on [email protected]