Newsletter Date: 04 May 2023
Issue: 05/23
Welcome back to term 2! We have had a fabulous start to the term with very happy children engaging with their learning and reestablishing friendships.
You may have noticed the cover on the COLA has been installed! This is very exciting and indicates we may get the use of our courts back soon….ish. The spouting and downpipes still need to be installed and drainage connected and then the lights and sound system speakers need to be installed. There was also a bit of damage done to the basketball court and we have requested that this is fixed prior to our children gaining access to the courts.
This year we are running our big school raffle once again. Tickets are $2 and prizes include:
A travel voucher to the value of $1000
A Canon powershot SX70 camera valued at $950
A $200 Postmans Leg voucher
A $200 Glenfield mall voucher
A $200 Taken Care Of gift box
Vector Wero White Water Park family package valued at $180
A White Rose Beauty voucher valued at $150
Weta Workshop 90min family pass $129
A Countdown Glenfield voucher $50
All proceeds will go towards upgrading our hall sound system which is 14 years old.
A huge thank you to our wonderful sponsors and to Anne Crooks for organising this for us!
Have you ever wondered how to help your child with their reading or how to better prepare your child for starting school? Ever wondered how they learn mathematics these days? Maybe you want to know how to prepare your child for intermediate school. Well on Friday 26th May after school we are holding a Bayview expo where you will be able to choose a range of sessions provided by the Bayview Staff to help with any of these questions and lots more. The wonderful PJ from Harcourts Cooper and Co is bringing their coffee cart so you can buy a coffee and we will have some other stalls you can get some food from. We will provide more details closer to the time but we wanted to give you the heads up so you can put this date in your diary:
Friday 26th May 3pm-5.30pm
New uniform stock has arrived and you can now purchase polo shirts, fleece jackets and even a school beanie from the online Janbells site: Click on ‘school uniforms’ and then find Bayview School.
When you order online and have paid for your goods you will receive an email explaining how to pick your order up! I know Janbells are moving location and are in the process of setting this new shop up! When the shop is ready for customers we will let you know but until then please order online! Please remember to NAME EVERY UNIFORM ITEM WITH YOUR CHILD’S FIRST AND LAST NAME.
Please note we will no longer sell our old school uniform from the office.
Bayview School is a positive culture for learning school. We have a special way of rewarding positive behaviour at
Bayview School through our token system. Tokens are given to learners when they display our key values and character strengths. The tokens are in our school house colours so your child will receive a token in their own house colour. They can then use this token to vote for something happening in the school such as a game to play against the teachers or the theme for a non uniform day or school disco. Our aim is to reward the positive behaviour but also to teach the children that they have a voice around what happens in school.
If you have found a token in your child’s pocket you could encourage them to bring it back to school to vote in the token boxes. These are kept in the corridor outside Habitat 1.
Each token also gets points for your child’s house colour and goes towards the overall points for the house shield.
This term, we are excited to begin our Mitey journey. Mitey is a school wide evidenced based approach to mental wellbeing funded by the Sir John Kirwan Foundation. It provides the tools for teachers, staff and communities to teach wellbeing strategies to our students that align with the NZ curriculum. There is more information about this available on their website
Rhianon McIntyre is the Lead teacher Mitey
We are very happy to announce that we have restarted our choir for our Y4-6 learners. The talented (and famous Yandell sister) Pauline Prictor is back each Monday from 1.10pm – 2pm to teach our choir. Pauline is ably assisted by our very own Sydney Haslem.
This term a group of over 100 Year 4-6 children are participating in our Kapa Haka group. This year the group is being led by Adam Strickland, a trained Primary teacher. We have been extremely lucky over the past few years to be supported by talented kapa haka tutors (originally Whaea Carol and Whaea Aarani). I am very proud that we can provide such amazing opportunities for our learners to participate in.
Each Wednesday our wonderful Sarah Fink and Erik Corbett work with a dedicated group of learners who would like to learn how to look after our environment. This group learns different ways to care for the environment and do practical things around our school to support our Bayview ecosystems and flora and fauna. Any child can join this group to become an eco warrior!
As a school committed to environmental education we have a clothing bin onsite so that unwanted clothing can be reused and recycled. Unfortunately some members of our community abuse this resource by illegally dumping all manner of unwanted items which then make the front of our school look unkept and creates an unsafe area for our learners. Due to this continual abuse we will be removing the clothing bin once our contract is finished on the 31st July.
Te Whatu Ora encourages whānau to vaccinate their tamariki for pneumococcal disease, Meningococcal B, measles, and flu, alongside their three COVID-19 vaccines to provide the greatest level of protection heading into winter.
Tamariki (children) aged six months to 12 years are eligible for free flu vaccinations. For more information, visit:
Flu immunisation for tamariki – KidsHealth
Measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine – Te Whatu Ora
COVID-19 boosters for over 30s and those at increased risk of severe illness – New Zealand Government
Covid is still in our community with some of our learners being affected and currently off school. Please continue to monitor for symptoms and if your child exhibits any symptoms i.e. headache, temperature, sore throat, difficulty breathing, please give them a Rapid Antigen test so if they test positive you can stop the spread within school. You will still need to isolate for seven days if you have COVID-19 to reduce the risk of spread. For further information:
If you have COVID-19 – New Zealand Government
We would like to thank you for your support around our recent teacher only day. This was directed by the Ministry of Education so that schools could work together to learn about the new curriculum coming into effect. Most schools chose Monday 24th April to have this day to avoid as much disruption to families as possible. Bayview staff found it very useful to have this time to unwrap the new curriculum and develop a pathway moving forward to provide fabulous learning opportunities for our learners with a focus on literacy, mathematics and our local curriculum. We have two more scheduled teacher only days this year: Friday 30th June for our Kaipātiki Kāhui Ako conference; and Monday 13th November for another MOE directed curriculum accord day.

A huge welcome to the following learners who have started at Bayview School!
Brooklyn Armstrong, Elijah Anderson, Lucian Packer, Eric Zhao, Harmony Palmer, Xavier Binsted, Jenny Nguyen, Emma Nguyen, Kayla Li, Ella Cowdrey
We look forward to developing our connections with you over this year and to give every child at Bayview the best learning opportunities. We are stronger when we work together.
Di and Team Bayview Staff
Mihi Whakatau 5 May
Year 1 Trip to Corban Arts Centre 12 May
H8 & H15 Corban Estate Arts Centre trip 18 May
New Entrant enrolment day 24 May
Expo afternoon 26 May 3-5.30pm
King’s birthday holiday 5 June
Y6 visit to Glenfield Intermediate School 23 June
Reports sent home 29 June
Last day of term, 2pm, Thursday 29 June
3 May Raffle books sent home
9 May 8.30am Hot Chocolate $1 (and every Tuesday morning after)
19 May Pink Shirt Day
9 June World Vision fundraiser – bake sale
18 June Raffle closes
22 June Raffle prizes drawn
23 June School disco 5.30-7pm