Newsletter Date: 18 May 2023
Issue: 06/23
I hope you are all safe and your homes are unharmed from last week’s weather event. I would like to thank you for the calm way you reacted to the event. All of our learners were picked up safely. Please note that in these types of sudden events we will message you on Seesaw so it is important that you are connected on the App and that you have notifications turned on. If you need help with this please see your child’s teacher.
We did have a bit of damage to Habitat 7 during the storm and we are now working alongside the MOE to have this repaired. This space is safe to use but is not currently being used as a classroom.
Thank you to everyone who is selling our raffle tickets on behalf of the school. We appreciate your support! Please note the following dates:
18 June – raffle closes
19 June – all money, unsold tickets and butts due back at school
22 June – raffle is drawn under police supervision
If you need more tickets to sell please see Shannon in the office. If you are having trouble selling your tickets please return them to school so these can be given to others to sell.
Next week we are hosting our very own Bayview School expo. On Friday 26th May from 3.30- 5.30pm you will be able to attend up to 3 sessions of your choice.
The options being offered include:
Session One 3.30-4pm
- Supporting your child with literacy in Y0/1
- Mathematics | Maths No Problem
- Getting your 4 year old ready for school
- Mitey mental health Programme
- Getting your Y6 child ready for Intermediate school
Session Two 4pm-4.30pm
- Supporting your child with literacy in Y2/3
- Mathematics in Year 5/6
- Ready 4 Learning
- Bayview Values and Character Strengths
Session Three 4.30pm- 5pm
- Supporting your child with literacy in Y4/5/6
- Mathematics at Year 0/1
- Ready 4 Learning
- Restorative practice at Bayview School
Information displays in the hall
- PE/sports at Bayview School
- Environmental Education
- Events… Production 2023!
A full programme explaining each workshop is enclosed.
Food is available from 3pm – coffee, pulled pork and beef smashed burgers $15, and ice creams!.
Feel free to bring a friend along. We hope to see you on Friday afternoon!
New uniform stock has arrived and you can now purchase polo shirts, fleece jackets and even a school beanie from the online Janbells site: Click on ‘school uniforms’ and then find Bayview School.
When you order online and have paid for your goods you will receive an email explaining how to pick your order up! I know Janbells are moving location and are in the process of setting this new shop up! When the shop is ready for customers we will let you know but until then please order online! Please remember to NAME EVERY UNIFORM ITEM WITH YOUR CHILD’S FIRST AND LAST NAME.
Please note we will no longer sell our old school uniform from the office.
Did you know we are a litter-free school? We are working towards reducing the amount of waste we produce and as such have a litter-free lunchbox policy. We are asking parents to join us on this journey by reducing the amount of packaging in lunchboxes. Lots of learners now have Bento box-type lunchboxes so food items do not need to be wrapped in glad wrap. Some parents buy the bigger packets of goods instead of the individually wrapped items so it reduces the amount of packaging in lunch boxes. Do you have other ways you reduce the amount of packaging in lunch boxes?
We have also noted that sometimes there are the moisture sachets (desiccant) in some prepackaged food. These are a hazard as some learners have found these and then broken them open over food. The contents are poisonous and could cause serious harm if ingested.
The sachets look like this:

Please check your child’s food and remove these before sending your child to school.
I am so disappointed that the clothing bin was used to dump a range of household items and general rubbish last week. The bin is for clothing only! It costs the school a huge amount of money to get rid of the dumped goods as the council will not deal with it due to the school being owned by the Ministry of Education and not Auckland Council. This takes money away from resources such as reading books or maths equipment.
We thought this was a lovely community resource but the continual abuse is so frustrating and disheartening. If you see someone dumping goods please write down their registration so we can pass this information on to the police.
If you are putting clothing into the bin please actually put it into the bin and not in front of it. All you have to do is pull the handle down at the top!
We finally have a Covered Outdoor Learning Area! Yay! Work has now been completed and we will lift the tapu on the building site with a blessing tomorrow, Friday 19th May at 9am with Matua Jerry our Kaumatua. Parents are welcome to attend. We will start in the hall.
Now our kids have a space to play in all weather conditions! This is going to be a wonderful asset for the school and community and ask for your help in ensuring it is used responsibly out of school hours.
We are now working with Harbour Basketball to see if they can support us in converting the middle court into a basketball court and having a new surface laid over the asphalt to absorb the noise! Watch this space!
A huge welcome to the following learners who have started at Bayview School!
Ryder Lydon-Marsters, Adam Ibrahim, Danella Carmelo, Amelia Lamberton, Elijah
We look forward to developing our connections with you over this year and to give every child at Bayview the best learning opportunities. We are stronger when we work together.
Di and Team Bayview Staff
New Entrant enrolment day 24 May
Expo afternoon 26 May 3-5.30pm
King’s birthday holiday 5 June
Y6 visit to Glenfield Intermediate School 23 June
Reports sent home 29 June
Last day of term, 2pm, Thursday 29 June
19 May Pink Shirt Day
9 June World Vision fundraiser – bake sale
18 June Raffle closes
22 June Raffle prizes drawn
23 June School disco 5.30-7pm

Adventurous Nature Play
Play is an everywhere activity! Join us for a Nature Play for Adventurers session at Lynn Rd reserve 21st of May. We can’t wait to explore with whanau & find ways to play using the bush, trees, and grassy spaces at our local parks and reserves. Hey parents….remember how much you loved going outside to play in nature when you were growing up! This session is designed for adventurous families who want to have fun that they can create and control. The session is facilitated by nature play experts Om and Harry, and will support whānau to enjoy local parks while learning about how to care for Papatūānuku & the concepts of Kaitiakitanga. Tamariki and rangatahi of all ages are welcome, but please note that at least one parent per child or family must stay for the entire event. A change of clothes is a must for both children and adults as we plan on all getting involved.