Newsletter Date: 15 June 2023
Issue: 08/23
Wow, this term is flying by! Just a heads up, the term wraps up on Thursday, June 29th at 2pm, and that’s when you’ll receive your child’s mid-year report. As we move into the first week of term 3, we’ll be organizing partnership meetings. During these meetings, you’ll have the opportunity to schedule a time with your child’s teacher to discuss their report, their progress in learning, and how you can support them best at home. These meetings involve the teacher, the child, and the parents/caregivers. The teachers will be reaching out to you before the term ends to set up a meeting, so please remember to check Seesaw regularly for any messages regarding this matter.
Thank you to everyone who is selling our raffle tickets on behalf of the school. We appreciate your support! This is the last few days to sell tickets. Good luck to everyone who has purchased a ticket!
Please note the following dates:
18 June – raffle closes
19 June – all money, unsold tickets and butts due back at school
22 June – raffle is drawn under police supervision
If you need more tickets to sell please see Shannon in the office. If you are having trouble selling your tickets please return them to school so these can be given to others to sell.
Did you know that we have a dedicated teacher who oversees the school events and activities? Elleen Davids is in charge of this very important part of our school culture. Elleen co-ordinates events in the school such as fundraising i.e. school disco’s, mufti days, bake sales etc.
One of our special characteristics is empowering our senior learners to take responsibility for running events in the school. This is part of gaining a silver or gold We CARE award. Senior students are empowered to run clubs at breaktimes, run special fundraisers or awareness days such as Pink Shirt Day or fun activities such as Bayview Has Talent. To run one of these activities the children must formulate a plan and then present it to Mrs Davids who will then work alongside them to bring their plan to life. This helps build leadership skills for our students and supports our We CARE values. We try to let you know about events that may require your attention 3 weeks in advance and through the school newsletter.
Some of the events and clubs held last week included:
Monday – Choir
Tuesday – Hot chocolates, rippa rugby, chess/Yahtzee
Wednesday – Badminton, netball training
Thursday – skateboarding, gymnastics, drawing and crafts
Friday – teachers vs kids Octopus game, production auditions, Girls Got Game Basketball, Yu-Gi-Oh, World Vision bake sale
Blue – run by staff or outside agencies
Purple – run by students
Events change each week and the in-school events are communicated through our daily notices. How lucky are we to have so many different opportunities for our learners to ‘be involved’.
The Night the Books Spoke. We are in the early stages of setting up our school production. Elleen Davids, Toni Hoy and Jinny Kim are the main organising committee for the production but it is going to take our entire village to make it a huge success. Very soon Elleen will be running auditions for the main characters. If your child is in Year 5/6 or is a very talented Y4 you may like to encourage them to audition when the time comes. Each habitat will also have speaking parts and will require actors to bring their scene to life. Teachers will be contacting you through Seesaw to let you know how things are progressing.
You may be wondering how you can help? We had some wonderful people already sign up to assist on the night of our expo, but each habitat is going to need helpers. During our partnership meetings in the first week of term 3 your child’s teacher will have ‘sign up’ sheets where you can offer your skills and talents!
It is very important that we have your most up to date contact details on file at the school. This is so that we can contact you in the case of an emergency or if your child is sick or hurt. If you have recently changed your mobile number or moved house please contact Shannon in the office to update these details, [email protected] or Ph 094442222
Our next school disco is on Friday 23rd June. You should have received information on how to purchase tickets and the combo’s available. This disco is for Bayview students only. Tickets or combo’s can be purchased from the office or through ezlunch.
Unfortunately, we have been experiencing some inappropriate behaviour during evenings and weekends on our school premises. Our security cameras have captured groups of teenagers roaming around the school grounds during the night and early morning hours. Regrettably, these individuals have been causing damage to school property and showing a lack of respect for our facilities and play areas. Disturbingly we have discovered broken glass bottles, including those containing alcohol, scattered on our courts and playgrounds.
If you happen to witness or hear anything suspicious occurring during the evenings, we kindly request that you promptly contact the police. Their assistance is crucial in ensuring a safe and secure environment for all children to enjoy their playtime.
Additionally, we would like to emphasis the importance of your child wearing appropriate footwear to school, especially during the winter months. Closed shoes are highly recommended for their safety when they engage in outdoor activities.
Thank you for your cooperation in helping us address these concerns and maintain a safe school environment.
We wanted to bring a matter of concern to your attention regarding the safety of our children when crossing Bayview Road. Lately, we’ve noticed some parents parking on the far side of the road and calling their children over without taking proper precautions. Unfortunately, this has resulted in a couple of close calls last week when children darted out from between parked cars.
As parents, we understand the love and urgency to connect with our little ones, but their safety should always be our utmost priority. Therefore, we kindly request that you teach your child the importance of using the pedestrian crossing when crossing Bayview Road. By doing so we can significantly reduce the risks associated with oncoming traffic.
We also encourage you to take advantage of the dedicated patrols stationed at the crossing during specific hours: 8.30-8.55 am and 2.50-3.10pm. These patrols are there to ensure the safety of our children, providing an extra layer of security during those crucial times of the day.
Remember, it’s not just a matter of convenience but a matter of your child’s life. Let’s work together to create a safer environment for our little ones. Thank you for your co-operation and understanding.
Just a reminder that term 2 finishes on Thursday 29th June at 2pm.
Term 3 starts on Monday 17th July at 9am.
A huge welcome to the following learners who have started at Bayview School!
Lucas Bennett, Seth Tukuniu, Jayden Kim, Aileen Kim
We look forward to developing our connections with you over this year and giving every child at Bayview the best learning opportunities. We are stronger when we work together.
Di and Team Bayview Staff
BOT mtg 6pm 15 June
Top Corner Kids Football promo Y4-6 19 June
Y6 Netball field day 21 June
Rippa Rugby tournament 22 June
Y6 visit to Glenfield Intermediate School 23 June
Reports sent home 29 June
Last day of term, 2pm, Thursday 29 June
Term 3 begins Monday 17th July
Partnership meetings parent/teacher/child 17-20 July (teachers will make contact to choose an appointment time)
Every Tuesday morning outside the Library – hot chocolates BYO cup
18 June Raffle closes
22 June Raffle prizes drawn
23 June School disco 5.30-7pm

A fantastic opportunity for your child!
Shine Speech & Drama classes inspire confidence and imagination, helping students communicate effectively and build self-belief that helps them succeed in life.
Here’s what people are saying about Shine’s lessons …
“He got up and spoke in front of the school. He would never have done that before”
— James’ Mum
“Thank you so much for calmly and reassuringly, through zoom after zoom, guiding the boys’ through their tasks. Thank you for all the extra energy and organisation that has gone into all of this. You’ve been simply fantastic!” – Catherine
“….the best speech and drama teacher working in New Zealand today.” NZ Herald
– public speaking
– acting skills
– voice (projection and articulation)
– reading aloud skills
– positive body language
– storytelling
– relationship skills
Register here for term 3 lessons, beginning Monday 24th and Saturday 29th July 2023. Term fees are $250 with 8 lessons guaranteed per term. Sibling discount of 10% for any siblings enrolling.
Any questions please don’t hesitate to call Nina on 021-160 9197