Newsletter Date: 29 June 2023
Issue: 09/23
And just like that we are halfway through the year!
It has been an exciting year so far with the promise it will only get better! We are very excited to be having a whole school production in term 3. Productions at Bayview are huge and involve every child and every staff member and lots of parents and extended family. Production performance dates are: 19th, 20th, and 21st September. The show normally starts at around 6pm with children required to be at school for makeup and costumes by around 5pm. We will be sending out a lot of communications next term so please check Seesaw regularly.
Thank you to everyone who sold our raffle tickets on behalf of the school. This was drawn under police supervision on Thursday 22nd June. Everyone who won a prize was associated with the school.
The winning raffle numbers are: 1st 7120, 2nd 5360, 3rd 7469, 4th 5285, 5th 6617, 6th 2879, 7th 1594, 8th 5616, 9th 6929
All winners have been notified by phone.
We have raised approx $8500 to go towards our new sound system.
A huge thank you to Anne Crooks for organising the raffle on our behalf. It is a very time consuming job and we are incredibly lucky to have such a supportive friend of Bayview School.
Another huge thank you to the disco organising committee for running such an amazing event last Friday! We are so lucky to have the COLA now as this made a huge difference on the night.
Thank you again to the parents and caregivers who sorted food and drink for the night and made up lolly packets – Anderson whanau, and to the many parents and ex pupils that helped out on the stalls.
There were lots of very happy children!
This week at Bayview School we have been celebrating our wonderful support staff who work with our most vulnerable learners to support their growth both personally and academically and who look after our grounds and administration.
We are so lucky to have Erik our caretaker who continually goes above and beyond to make Bayview School such a special place. His passion for the environment is huge and his humour in dealing with the ‘tricky situations’ that occur within the school is invaluable! I am sure you agree our school campus is well kept and looked after!
Shannon is the most smiley and accommodating person to have as the front person in our office. Shannon is normally the first person you see when you come into the office and is very skilled in finding solutions to problems! Shannon goes out of her way to ensure every child is looked after and that parents feel supported.
Our wonderful kaiawhina (teacher aides) who work with our most vulnerable learners, work above and beyond to ensure these learners have equitable access to an education. We are so grateful for Angela, Larissa, Katie, Sifa, Bronwyn and Raewyn for the aroha and laughter they bring to our school every day! Being kaiawhina takes skill, passion, fitness and lots and lots of laughter!
Our support staff are superheroes!
This afternoon your child is bringing home their mid-year report. This report will tell you how your child is achieving and progressing with their learning. Please check your child’s bag for this.
On the report it will tell you how many days your child has attended school out of a possible 89 days. Anything less than 79 days is deemed unacceptable attendance. Good progress and achievement relies on your child being present at school, especially with all the disruptions we have encountered this year with flooding events, strike action and Ministry of Education teacher only days. Please help us support your child’s continued success at school by ensuring your child is at school everyday when they are well and able to be there.
During week one of term 3 we will be holding partnership meetings where you will have the opportunity to come in and meet with your child and their teacher to discuss the mid year report and how your child is progressing with their learning. By now your child’s teacher has been in contact with you to arrange a meeting. We hope you can take advantage of this opportunity.
Just a reminder that Term 3 starts on Monday 17th July at 9am.
A huge welcome to the following learners who have started at Bayview School!
Viya Patel
We look forward to developing our connections with you over this year and giving every child at Bayview the best learning opportunities. We are stronger when we work together.
Di and Team Bayview Staff
Reports sent home 29 June
Last day of term, 2pm, Thursday 29 June
Term 3 begins Monday 17th July
Partnership meetings parent/teacher/child 17-20 July (teachers will make contact to choose an appointment time)
Every Tuesday morning outside the Library – hot chocolates BYO cup
31 August – Daffodil Day
19 July – Production
20 July – Production
21 July – Production

Bookings are now open for the Bayview School Skate Club in Term 3. Taken by professional skateboarders from the Young Guns Skate School, classes will run on the top courts during the first lunch break on Thursday mornings. All abilities are welcome, including first time skaters. All skaters will learn how to skate safely and responsibly while learning cool new tricks along the way! Spare skateboards and helmets can be provided.