Newsletter Date: 27 July 2023
Issue: 10/23
Welcome back to term 3! The Production term! It is going to take a village to create this extravaganza, we hope you may be able to help in some way.
The countdown is now on and we have 54 days before our first evening performance. There will be a range of communications coming out over the next few weeks that you may want to keep track of. They will include comms around how you can help your child’s class; how you might be able to help with the selling or distribution of food on the nights of the performances; how you can purchase production T-shirts; how you can purchase food for your child on the nights of the performances; how you can purchase tickets to attend the performances; and other class specific notices.
Every child is involved in some way and 99% of them will be performing on the performance evenings. Please note that we allow our learners to arrive at school at 10.30am the morning after a performance as we know they will be tired. If you have any worries about your child performing please talk to your child’s teacher as soon as you are able.
Please be aware that there will be limited tickets for each performance and in the past these have always sold out.
We very much rely on parents and extended family to support us in preparing for the production so we hope you may be able to help in some way.
Our annual Book Fair closed on Tuesday and it was very successful. Thank you to all our parents who gave up their time to oversee the Book Fair in the mornings and afternoons so that parents could attend with their children and purchase books. A huge thank you to Janelle Staples and Angela Duncan for arranging this years’ fair.
Tomorrow the Kaipatiki Kahui Ako are holding our annual Matariki Kapa Haka festival at Glenfield Primary School. Bayview are performing at 11.40-11.55am. Anyone is welcome to attend at any time during the day! There will be refreshments available for purchase as well as some amazing entertainment.
Thank you to Matua Adam, Sydney Haslem and Shelley Matuku for organising our Bayview Kapa Haka.
If you live in Bayview and your child is Year 6 then you are in zone for Glenfield Intermediate School. Please note the following important dates:
- School Tours for Parents
- Monday 7th, Tuesday 8th, Wednesday 9th August – Times: 9.15am, 12.00pm, 2pm
- Parents are able to book in for a guided tour, for themselves and their child/ren.
- Open Evening (Tuesday 8th August from 6.30pm – 8.00pm)
- GIS will be open for parents to meet in the hall and then have a look around the classes
- Transition Week (14-18th August)
- 16th August all year 6 students from Bayview School will attend GIS for the day and experience the specialist classes.
- Y6 Parent Information Evening (Tuesday 28th November 6.30 – 7.30pm)
- Opportunity for parents to visit GIS and get final details about the start of 2024.
- Parents can enrol at the GIS school office at any time during the school day
- All out of zone enrolments to be completed by 30 August 2023
- Ballot date – Wednesday 6th September 2023
- All in zone enrolments need to be completed 22nd September 2023
We hope you are able to take advantage of some of these opportunities to visit Glenfield Intermediate School. Make sure you catch up with Jacob Allison who is the deputy principal of GIS (ex AP from Bayview School)
Thank you to everyone who was able to attend our recent partnership meetings. There was such a lovely tone in the school during these meetings. I know our kaiako (teachers) really enjoyed these meetings and the opportunity to share your child’s successes and next steps in their learning.
KINDO (Ezlunch)
We are going towards having all payments for anything school related on Kindo. If you haven’t already got a Kindo (ezlunch) account please make one by going to , click create an account and fill in your details. This creates your family mykindo account for easy online ordering and any allocated payables that your child has signed up for (like sport teams) or things that just apply to a group (eg. like Yr6 Graduation). Please sign up with the email address that we have on your child’s school profile, if we haven’t got your email that you have used for your Kindo account please email [email protected]
A huge welcome to the following learners who have started at Bayview School!
Hudson Davids, Zanna Kevin, Piper Nicholls,
Ezekiel Benjamin, Earl Rillera, Connor Singson, Rifa Asees, Raihana Asees
We look forward to developing our connections with you over this year and giving every child at Bayview the best learning opportunities. We are stronger when we work together.
Di and Team Bayview Staff
2 August Kapa Haka and Choir performing at Bayview Community Centre
3 August H18 Stormwater Sleuths visit
10 August BOT meeting 6pm
10 August Young Leaders Day for our Head Leaders
16 August Year 6 visit to GIS
16 August New Entrant enrolment day
17 August Rippa Rugby Tournament Y3-6
21-24 August Class Volcanoes sessions
25 August School Cross country
31 August Daffodil Day
4 September Out of Zone enrollments open
7 September BOT mtg
7 September H18 Stormwater Sleuths
8 September Interschool cross country
12 September full production run through (during the day)
14 September Full production Dress Rehersal (during the day)
19 September Production evening performance
20 September Production evening performance
21 September Production evening performance
22 September Term 3 finishes 2pm
31 August – Daffodil Day
19 September – Production evening
20 September – Production evening
21 September – Production evening
Head Office: 153, Chivalry Road
Ph/Fax: (09) 443 7794
Mobile: 021 577 024
Master Steve Sun Noh (WTF, TKD3 DAN, CMA TUKGO 3 DAN) Over 20 years experience
Open: 24 July 2023
Place: Bayview Primary School
(*10person start age 10years over)
Tuesday Friday
5:00 – 6:00pm (TKD) 5:00 – 6:00pm (CMA)
Subject Cost
C.M.A for Children / Adults T.K.D for Children / Adults
Children $20 x 8week = $160 + T shirt = $40
+ Join = $30
Adult $30 x 8week = $240 + T shirt = $40
+ Join = $30
Uniform all include mark less $120
Every three month grading test, cost $50.00 inc colour belt, give the certificate, and every three months a BBQ party.
Payment ASB 12-3026-00-80410-00 Sun Hyung No