Newsletter Date: 10 August 2023
Issue: 11/23
40 days until production! Don’t panic!!!!!
Thank you to everyone who has offered their help in any way to support the school production. It will take the entire village to make this a spectacular to remember! If you have any questions re the production please ask your child’s class teacher, alternatively you can check out our FAQ’s sheet attached below.
Last week we sent home a notice asking for help in the following areas:
- Making and painting props
- Tech support (lighting, media, filming, photographer)
- Sales assistant Tuesday 19th September (from 4.30 pm – 6.25 pm)
- Sales assistant Wednesday 20th September (from 4.30 pm – 6.25 pm)
- Sales assistant Thursday 21st September (from 4.30 pm – 6.25 pm)
If you can help in any of these areas and have yet to reply, can you please contact Elleen Davids or TeAna Upson
Sorry this has now been removed due to the continued dumping of household goods. It wasn’t sustainable for us to retain the bin. We know there are some clothing bins up at the Glenfield Mall if you need one.
This was a hugely successful event hosted at Glenfield Primary. Our kapa haka were phenomenal in their performance! They performed with mana and walked off stage with their heads held high having entertained a hall full of spectators. Once again a huge thank you to Matua Adam, Sydney Haslem and Shelley Matuku for supporting our group.
We just wanted to give you lots of notice for a teacher only day we are holding on Monday 13th November (in term 4). This has been given to schools by the Ministry of Education to use to give teachers time to work on implementing the revised Aotearoa/NZ curriculum.
If you live out of our school zone and would like your child to attend Bayview School in 2024, please note that our out of zone enrolments go live on Monday 4th September. You can find the form on our website from this date. Please note we are only offering 20 out of zone places for 2024.
We are working towards having all payments for anything school related on Kindo. If you haven’t already got a Kindo (ezlunch) account please make one by going to , click create an account and fill in your details. This creates your family mykindo account for easy online ordering and any allocated payables that your child has signed up for (like sport teams) or things that just apply to a group (eg. like Yr6 Graduation). Please sign up with the email address that we have on your child’s school profile, if we haven’t got your email that you have used for your Kindo account please email
The Ministry of Education are currently collecting data from every state school in Aotearoa to determine the attendance rates across the motu. Bayview School’s attendance rates are usually higher than most school of a similar area. We have noticed though that there are more learners taking holidays during term time. Please note this is marked as an unjustified absence.
We do currently have illness affecting many of our learners and our staff. Please keep your child home from school if they are sick to stop the spread of illness. If your child is unwell and unable to attend school it is very important that you please phone the school office and leave a message or fill in the absence report from our website so we can code their absence as medical. If you do not notify the school your child is marked as truant. We now have a new truancy agency and any children who are marked as truant for extended periods of time are referred to the truancy office for follow up.
We really want to work alongside you to support you getting your child to school as much as possible. If you are having difficulties please reach out to your child’s teacher or to the office to see how we can support you.
A huge welcome to the following learners who have started at Bayview School!
Piper Barkley, Sarah Grant, Leo Mousse-Amen, Zeppelin Newlands
We look forward to developing our connections with you over this year and giving every child at Bayview the best learning opportunities. We are stronger when we work together.
Di and Team Bayview Staff
10 August BOT meeting 6pm
16 August Year 6 visit to GIS
16 August New Entrant enrolment day
17 August Rippa Rugby Tournament Y3-6
21-24 August Class Volcanoes sessions
25 August School Cross country
31 August Daffodil Day
4 September Out of Zone enrollments open
7 September BOT mtg
7 September H18 Stormwater Sleuths
8 September Interschool cross country
12 September full production run through (during the day)
14 September Full production Dress Rehersal (during the day)
19 September Production evening performance
20 September Production evening performance
21 September Production evening performance
22 September Term 3 finishes 2pm
31 August – Daffodil Day
19 September – Production evening
20 September – Production evening
21 September – Production evening