Newsletter Date: 19 October 2023
Issue: 15/23
I have to start with how proud I am of all our learners who performed in our school production ‘The Night the Books Spoke’. It was awesome seeing every child shine on that stage. They were so incredibly proud of themselves! Thank you to everyone who managed to come along to see the production, we hope you enjoyed it!
A production of this calibre cannot happen without the expertise and passion of a lot of people! We are so lucky to have an amazing staff who worked so hard to pull this together. To Elleen Davids our fearless production leader who pulled a team of talented people around her! Special mention to Toni Hoy, Jinny Kim and Shannon Cortlett for supporting Elleen. The staff who created costumes, designed the programme and tickets, coordinated the selling of food and drink on the nights, facilitated sales of t-shirts and children’s dinners, and everything else that went on behind the scenes.
Thank you to the parents who sewed costumes, painted props and backdrop, applied makeup and helped our tamariki on the nights of the production.
Thank you to the food crew, many of whom were past parents and supporters of Bayview School.
A special thank you to Anne Crooks and Victoria Anderson who led the food stalls each evening and the selling of raffle tickets.
Thank you to all our sponsors: PJ from Harcourts Cooper and Co, Farro, Pak n Save, Costco, Magnets NZ Ltd, Light Factory, Canon, North Shore Music Theatre, Countdown, Forever South, Gilmours, Colonial Crafted and Cured Meat, The Rock, BIGideas.
And lastly our technical wizard Mr Steve Hurley! Steve provides the wizardry behind the lights and sound. Steve spent hours getting everything just right so that it was spectacular on the night. Steve was supported by Jason Purvis, Vicki Hurley, and Jacob Allison. Thank you Steve for all your expertise and support!
We normally hold a production every two years! Bring on 2025!
This term is our term of celebration. Our teachers will be conducting a range of assessments in the next 6 weeks to determine the progress and achievement your child has made in their learning. They will then be using this information to write your child’s end-of-year report. You will receive the report on Friday 15th December, our last day of term and we are finishing at 1pm.
At the end of the year, we have our We Care celebrations, big day in, prizegiving, Year 6 graduation, and our farewell assembly. Scattered amongst this we have school and interschool athletics days, an open morning, and a special teacher-only day on the 13th of November. Please check the dates for diaries section below for these dates and times. We hope you will be able to join us for some if not all of these events.
Parents and caregivers are invited to come to school tomorrow morning to meet with their children to celebrate their learning. You are welcome to come from 8.30am and to spend however long with your child up until 10.45am which is our first break.
Please note that this is not the time for an ‘interview’ with your child’s teacher as they will be teaching the class. If this is something you would like then please arrange a separate time to do this.
We will be holding our term 4 mihi whakatau at 9am on this morning to welcome our new learners to Bayview. This will be followed by our learning certificates.
Just a reminder that we have a teacher-only day scheduled for Monday 13th November. The school will be closed for instruction on this day.
Just a reminder that during term 4 and term 1 sunhats are compulsory for children when they are outside. The children must wear a school hat (bucket hat or cap) which you can purchase from Janbells. Could you also please apply sunscreen before they arrive at school. We have sunscreen available at school which we remind learners to use as well.
Also from the start of 2024 all learners must be wearing the new school uniform which is available from Janbells either online or from their shop at Unit G, 4 Antares Place, Rosedale.
Bayview staff would like to thank you for your support and kindness after the sudden passing of Ms McGibbon. Elle passed due to a sudden medical event. Elle was a much loved friend and colleague who just loved to play jokes on us. She loved making people laugh! Elle was an experienced teacher and prior to joining Bayview School, she was Deputy Principal at Target Road School. In the time she was at Bayview, she quietly made things better for everyone.
Thank you for giving us space and time to navigate our own grief and also to ensure our tamariki were well supported, especially during the first week of this term. We will continue to support each other and our tamariki throughout this term for however long they need as grief is a very personal experience.
Di and Team Bayview Staff

19 October – Senior Athletics Day
19 October – BOT mtg
20 October – Open morning 8.30am – 10.45am
20 October – Mihi Whakatau 9am
23 October – Labour Day holiday (school closed)
1 November – Science in a Van
2 November – Interschool athletics day
13 November – Teacher only day (school is closed)
15 November – Junior Athletics Day
17-28 November – Life Education Caravan
1 December – Community Christmas Event from 5pm
4 December – Kauanuanu Bronze We Care award ceremony followed by Kauanuanu Big Day Out
5 December – Pikorua Bronze We Care award ceremony followed by Pikorua Big Day Out
6 December – Harakeke Bronze We Care award ceremony followed by Harakeke Big Day Out
11 December – Prizegiving 6pm
13 December – Year 6 Graduation
15 December – Farewell assembly 9am; reports sent home
15 December – Term 4 finishes – School closes at 1pm
31 January – Whanau map meetings
1 February – First day for all students
31 October – SPCA bake sale
14 November – Diabetes ‘do blue day’
1 December – Community Christmas Event 5pm