Newsletter Date: 02 November 2023
Issue: 16/23
Well this term is flying by. Can you believe that we only have 6 weeks left of school before the summer holidays? It is a jam packed 6 weeks with award ceremonies, learning group activity days, Year 6 graduation and our farewell assembly.
The final day for 2023 is Friday 15th December and we will finish at 1pm.
Thank you to everyone who managed to come in for our open morning on the 20th October. It was lovely having so many of you here for our whakatau (welcome) for new learners and whanau and then to be able to spend some time in classrooms. We have really enjoyed getting back into the swing of things where we can have you onsite sharing in your child’s time at school.
Just a reminder that we have a teacher-only day scheduled for Monday 13th November. The school will be closed for instruction on this day. During this day our teachers will be learning more around the curriculum refresh.
Thank you to our wonderful community members who use our school grounds sensibly out of school time. Thank you to the dog owners who pick up after their dogs. Thank you to the people who take their rubbish home with them. Thank you to those who stay in safe places and treat our chickens and bees with respect. We love you using our facilities and leaving the grounds better than you found them.
Happy Diwali to all our families that celebrate this special occasion. Diwali symbolises the spiritual victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance. During the festival, people illuminate their homes, temples and workspaces with diyas (oil lamps), candles and lanterns. Diwali is also marked with fireworks and the decoration of floors with rangoli designs, and other parts of the house with jhalars (long pieces of colourful fabric). Food is a major focus with families partaking in feasts and sharing mithai (sweets). The festival is an annual homecoming and bonding time for families and communities. Some people will send Diwali greeting cards to family near and far during the festive season, occasionally with boxes of Indian confectionery. Another aspect of the festival is remembering ancestors. It is a special time for some members of our community.
I know there was a big celebration at Trusts Stadium last weekend culminating in a spectacular fireworks display.
We respectfully ask that you do not come into our school grounds to let off any fireworks. The school is not the place for this and the noise will distress our chickens. Parents please ensure your children are supervised (especially teenagers) during this time so we can keep our chickens and school safe.
The Board would like to advise that the Ministry of Education are installing a fence around the school perimeter to bring it up to a height of 1.8m. The fence will follow the same line as current fencing along the boundary of the school. This fencing is being put in place for the safety of students who attend our school who have complex and high behavioural or learning needs, that can lead to them attempting to leave the school grounds unaccompanied and thus putting their safety at risk.
Fencing has been recommended by specialist occupational therapists and psychologists who have worked alongside our school, the Ministry of Education and the students and their families.
These special behaviour practitioners assess students, and work with the school to ensure the best learning environment is available for them. In this case fencing was recommended, agreed upon and we are now moving towards the project delivery phase.
Having this fencing in place ensures these students are able to attend their local school, and be part of our inclusive school community.
The new fence will be durable, secure and non-climbable. It will be built in alloy pool fencing style to 1.8m high. New gates will be installed as part of the process.
This work will be fully funded by the Ministry of Education and should take place over the summer break.
The fence will not impede access to the school grounds out of school hours. We thank you for your understanding around this and any inconvenience this may cause as it is being installed.
Today 66 of our 8-11 year olds competed in the Kaipatiki Kahui Ako interschool athlectics day. A huge thank you to Katrina Cray who organised this event on behalf of the kahui ako. Thank you also to the parents who went and supported and the staff that also attended to help run events.
Di and Team Bayview Staff

13 November – Teacher only day (school is closed)
14 November – Do Blue Day – diabetes awareness day
15 November – Junior Athletics Day
17-28 November – Life Education Caravan
1 December – Community Christmas Event from 5pm
4 December – Kauanuanu Bronze We Care award ceremony followed by Kauanuanu Big Day Out
5 December – Pikorua Bronze We Care award ceremony followed by Pikorua Big Day Out
6 December – Harakeke Bronze We Care award ceremony followed by Harakeke Big Day Out
11 December – Prizegiving 6pm
13 December – Year 6 Graduation
15 December – Farewell assembly 9am; reports sent home
15 December – Term 4 finishes – School closes at 1pm
31 January – Whanau map meetings
1 February – First day for all students
14 November – Diabetes ‘do blue day’
1 December – Community Christmas Event 5pm