Newsletter 16th November 2023

Bayview Primary School
School Newsletter
Empower Our Future

Newsletter Date:  16 November 2023

Issue: 17/23


Teacher Only Day:

Thank you for accommodating our teacher only day on Monday. We achieved a lot as a staff. We hope you managed to enjoy the beautiful weather!

Bayview Courts

You may have noticed that we have converted the middle court under the COLA to a basketball court. We managed to receive funding through Harbour Basketball and the Birkenhead Trust to purchase the new basketball tower. Next we will be laying turf over the asphalt. This will be happening hopefully in December ready for the new year. This is going to make our outdoor learning area amazing.

Christmas Under The Courts

This year our world famous (in Bayview) Christmas event will be back! On Friday 1st December from 5pm we invite the Bayview community to come along for an evening of singing Christmas Carols, watching a Nativity play and dances and to share a picnic dinner with friends and family. We have stalls being set up so you can do some Christmas shopping and some that are food vendors.

Bring along a picnic blanket, some food and invite your neighbours along to share in a fun evening. 

Up-coming Award ceremonies

We are now heading into the end of year award ceremony time. Please see the calendar below for the dates of these. Please note, if your child is receiving an award we will be in contact with you to invite you to the appropriate event. We will contact you through Seesaw primarily so please make sure you check any messages on this app.

School Uniform:

Thank you to everyone who has ensured their child is bringing a hat to school to wear in the sunny weather during term 4. A huge thank you to those of you that have named the hat! We are finding that after such a long wet summer/autumn/winter/spring that our learners have forgotten how to drink enough water and take their jumpers off once they get hot! We are doing our best to remind them! We are noticing lots of children coming to school with thermals on under their polo shirts. These children are getting very hot on our sunny days and we suggest they just wear their polo shirt and have their jumper that can be removed easily once they get hot. Naming their jumper is essential as many learners take these off when they are playing at break and forget to collect it once they have finished playing.

Thank you to the parents who are thinking ahead and ordering the new uniform for 2024. We have let Janbells know of estimated numbers but you may want to get in early so you do not miss out on the right sizes for polos! All uniforms can be purchased through 

All learners must be in the new uniform from the start of 2024.

Di and Team Bayview Staff


17-28 November – Life Education Caravan

1 December – Community Christmas Event from 5pm

4 December – Kauanuanu Bronze We Care award ceremony followed by Kauanuanu Big Day Out

5 December – Pikorua Bronze We Care award ceremony followed by Pikorua Big Day Out

6 December – Harakeke Bronze We Care award ceremony followed by Harakeke Big Day Out

11 December – Prizegiving 6pm

13 December – Year 6 Graduation

15 December – Farewell assembly 9am; reports sent home

15 December – Term 4 finishes – School closes at 1pm


31 January – Whanau map meetings

1 February – First day for all students


1 December – Community Christmas Event 5pm

   Hi there my name is Sandy Copsey I’m offering after school care for a student at Bayview. I’m a qualified nanny plus

I am also a mum. I live locally and can collect children from school.
I know it’s a busy time of year so I am here to help. I can be reached on this email or by phone on 021 1564339.
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60 Bayview Road Glenfield North Shore 0629