Newsletter Date: 30 November 2023
Issue: 18/23
We are entering into our final weeks for 2023 and they are crammed packed with events and celebrations. It can be an exciting but sometimes overwhelming time for some of our students. We do our best to keep you informed of events well before time but sadly we have no control of the weather. We are hoping that all our scheduled events will be able to go ahead and will let you know through Seesaw of any changes as soon as we can.
Thank You From The Board Of Trustees
The Bayview School Board of Trustees would like to say thank you for the support you have given the school this year. This is to the parents who have coached sports teams, helped with production, attended school trips, sewn kapa haka uniforms, assisted in the library, stood on patrols with our monitors, attended school camp or any other support that has been given over the year. We truly appreciate your time and support.
Library Stocktake
Our annual library stocktake is happening now! We need ALL library books returned asap please. Unreturned library books will be invoiced to the last child who took it out of the library. Please take the time to search for these at home now!
We would also love to have our readers returned please. If you come across any reading books under couches or beds or stuffed at the bottom of school bags please send these back to school also.
We are also on the lookout for tokens! If your child has a stash at home please encourage them to bring them back to school to use with our voting system.
Start Of 2024
Term 1: 31 January – 12 April
Term 2: 29 April – 5 July
Term 3: 22 July – 27 September
Term 4: 14 October – 17 December
Some Sad Farewells
It is not often that we have to farewell staff but this year we are saying goodbye to three of our special kaiako. These teachers have made the difficult decision to leave Bayview so they can continue to grow in their careers.
Taryn Hoffmann has been at Bayview since starting as a first-year teacher in 2006! Taryn has been the first teacher for so many of our learners over this time. Taryn is a leader and expert teacher, and a fabulous colleague! She has been our glue over the years holding us together and sharing her knowledge and expertise with others. She has supported learners and Whānau through their school journey. Taryn has an amazing sense of humour and loves to cause havoc in the most happiest and friendliest ways. We are going to miss her terribly but as a staff also know that she is doing what is best for her and her career!
To the wonderful Bayview community,
Thank you for making my time here so special and trusting me to be a part of your children’s lives. I will cherish every moment I have had here since starting as a beginning teacher in 2006. Bayview is truly an amazing community and I feel very honoured to have taught in such a supportive and family-oriented environment! It is not goodbye, but see you later 🙂 Taryn
Amy Nicholas started with us in 2014. She started with older students and very quickly made her mark as a competent teacher. Amy’s preferred level was Year 1 and after returning from a spell overseas Amy has set up awesome opportunities for our younger learners. Amy will forever be known for her broad smile and ability to see different perspectives. She has always put the children’s needs first and has developed a reputation for being kind, supportive, and fun-loving. You may have seen Amy riding her skateboard around our courts or kite surfing up at Orewa! This girl loves her sports and has been a competitive MMA fighter! We are going to miss her special perspective on things and the depth of knowledge she has around learning.
Hi team Bayview
It is with great sadness that I am leaving the BV team at the end of 2023 and starting a new teaching job closer to home on the Hibiscus Coast. I will miss you all so much but I will not miss the daily commute into work each day! I have loved seeing all of you grow and progress and wish you all the best for the future.
Lots of love to you all
Amy Nicholas.
Jinny Kim started with us when she moved from the Early Learning environment to primary school in 2017. Jinny has worked in our new entrant area over this time and ran our reception class helping our learners make a successful transition from ECE to school. Jinny is a great teacher and the children adore her! She has a passion for the arts and this year was instrumental in helping to produce our school production. Jinny’s kindness and desire to help others has set her apart and made her a truly special staff member. We are going to miss Jinny and her great sense of humour but wish her well as she challenges herself in the next part of her teaching career.
Hi Team Bayview,
Thank you for making my last six years the best years of my life! It was an absolute pleasure to watch your children grow and learn, and I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of their learning journey. Your continued support and dedication have been invaluable to both me and your children, and I am truly thankful for the relationships we’ve built during this time. Though I’ll be leaving Bayview, I have no doubt that every single Bayview team member will continue to flourish in this fabulous environment. I wish you all the best for the future and thank you once again for the wonderful memories.
We will be holding a special farewell assembly for these wonderful kaiako on Thursday 14th December at 10 am. Please feel free to join us and share in this special time.
On Friday 15th December your child will be bringing home their end of year report. In the report envelope you will also find our final newsletter for the year, and a stationery list.
During the last week of school your child will be bringing home all of their stationery and any work they have completed that has been on display. We are also hopeful we will be able to send them home with all of their labelled uniform and other belongings! You are welcome! 🙂
Di and Team Bayview Staff

1 December – Community Christmas Event from 5pm
4 December – Kauanuanu Bronze We Care award ceremony followed by Kauanuanu Big Day Out
5 December – Pikorua Bronze We Care award ceremony followed by Pikorua Big Day Out
6 December – Harakeke Bronze We Care award ceremony followed by Harakeke Big Day Out
11 December – Prizegiving 6pm
13 December – Year 6 Graduation
15 December – Farewell assembly 9am; reports sent home
15 December – Term 4 finishes – School closes at 1pm
31 January – Whanau map meetings
1 February – First day for all students
1 December – Community Christmas Event 5pm – BYO picnic

Hi there my name is Sandy Copsey I’m offering after school care for a student at Bayview. I’m a qualified nanny plus
I am also a mum. I live locally and can collect children from school.
I know it’s a busy time of year so I am here to help. I can be reached on this email or by phone on 021 1564339.