Newsletter Date: 8 February 2024
Issue: 01/24
Welcome back to the 2024 academic year. We have had a fabulous start to the year with lots of very happy learners!
We have some new teachers who have joined us this year. You may have seen them around the school. We very warmly welcome Melissa Whiting H3, Andy Samphanphorn H11, Alaica Ramphul H9, Min Davies H12, and Alfie Luque H15 to our staff! These wonderful teachers have already spent weeks preparing for the start of the year and have made a great start with our learners. I am sure you will make them feel welcome in true Bayview style.
Our organisation for this year is:
Please note the learning group your child is in 🙂
Tumuaki/Principal – Diane Raynes
Tumuaki Tuarua/Deputy Principal – Shelley Matuku
Assistant Principal/H10 teacher – Alyssa Farrow
CRT teacher – Garden to Table – Trudy McKeich
ESOL teacher – Sue Millett
Release teachers – Toni Hoy, Megan McGuire, Hayley Roberts
Reading Recovery – Jean Newbold
Kaiawhina/Teacher Aides – Angela Duncan, Katie Hearl, Larissa Latoa, Sifa Matasifa, Raewyn Kitson
Office Manager – Shannon Sofaea
Bursar – Lesley Roberts
Caretaker – Mr Erik Corbett
Nathan Hinton | Alyssa Farrow
Jackie Terry
Katrina Cray
Shannon Corlett
Cinnamon Davies
Sarah Fink
Elleen Davids
Kara Napier
Alfie Luque
Janelle Staples
Andy Samphanphorn
Adelaine Arias
Tegan Cheeseman
Rhianon McIntyre
Alaica Ramphul
Sydney Haslem
Melissa Whiting
TeAna Upson
As well as a learning group your child will also be allocated a house group. They will be placed in their house group by Shannon in the office at enrolment. Your entire family will be in the same house group. If you are unsure of which group they are in please ask your child’s teacher.
New Uniform
Gosh, our learners look great in the new uniform. Thank you to everyone who has ensured they have got the new polo shirt. Please ensure all your child’s clothing is named with their first name and their surname so these can be returned if left around the school. The only jewellery permitted is stud earrings, a watch, an upstander wristband, medic alert bracelet, pounamu necklace, religious necklace i.e. crucifix. For safety reasons, we ask that all learners with long hair have it tied up while at school. Please also note that your child must wear a sunhat when they are playing outside during terms 1 and 4.
Please note the following which are NOT school uniform:
- Gumboots
- Crocs
- Jandals
- Old school uniform polos or jumpers
If there is an issue with any of this please feel free to chat with your child’s teacher or a member of the leadership team.
Lost Property
Any unnamed uniform items that we find around the school will be put into lost property. This can be found under the covered walkway outside Habitat 11. You will have access to this out of school hours.
You may have noticed the new fence being erected around the school. This is to support some of our learners with higher needs who require some extra support around safety.
The fence is scheduled to be completed by April, but, we all know that probably means by the end of term 1! Thank you for your patience and understanding around this.
Please note that there will be a gate at the front entrance to the school and parents will no longer have vehicle access to the upper carpark once this is installed.
For the before and after school vans that provide an after-school care service, they will now do drop off and pick up into and from the lower carpark. Please do not park in front of the skip bin as this is where the vans will need to park.
If you are late to pick up your child from school they will need to wait for you in the fales. These are the buildings in the middle of the lower carpark and they were specially built for this purpose. Children will not be able to wait for you in the office.
Turf Under The Cola
Another addition over the break has been the turf under the COLA (Covered Outdoor learning Area). It has been designed with our new school colours and brings a pop of colour to this area. This also helps with the echo under the cola as it got quite loud under there when the children were playing. We thank you in advance for looking after this when you are using it out of school hours.
Strategic Plan
The Bayview Board of Trustees has developed a strategic plan for the next two years. This can be found at the bottom of this newsletter. The Strategic plan outlines the direction the school will take over the next two years. Our staff then develop an annual plan which outlines how we will achieve the goals set by the Board. The annual plan will be made public through our website in the upcoming month.
Mobile Phones
It has always been a policy at Bayview School that any child that brings a mobile phone to school must hand it into the office in the morning and collect it at 3pm. Our learners do not use mobiles for their learning. If your child does not hand their mobile in and it gets broken or misplaced it will be the responsibility of you and your child. Please support us by reminding your child to hand their phone into the office when they arrive at school.
Literacy and Mathematics
I would like to assure you that at Bayview School we ensure that reading, writing and mathematics are taught for at least one hour a day. The new Ministry of Education Guidelines state that schools must ensure that reading, writing and mathematics is taught for an average of one hour a day.
We have always given priority to these learning areas as they are the cornerstone of a quality education. This doesn’t mean that we are going to force our 5 year olds to sit at a table and write continuously for an hour! This will look very different depending on the age, ability and learning level of your child. An example of this is maths. At the start of each morning most classes do some form of calendar maths, they then do some type of formal maths lesson, they may then incorporate some positioning maths into their PE lesson, etc. This may all happen over the course of a day. This type of integration occurs in all classes. We try to make learning fun and interactive as we want to empower our learners with their learning.
Keeping Ourselves Safe
This term all our classes will be completing the NZ Police Keeping Ourselves Safe modules. This programme has been designed by educators and the police to ensure children know how to keep themselves safe in different situations and what to do if something has happened to them. We will be holding a special KOS parent meeting on Tuesday 13th February at 5pm in our school hall. This will be run by Senior Constable Louise Nicholas and Louise will outline the programme and what is covered.
Road Safety
Please use the pedestrian crossing if you are crossing Bayview Road. This is teaching your child how to cross a busy road safely! What you role model will be what your child does! Safety first!
Term Dates For 2024:
Term 1: 31 January – 12 April
Term 2: 29 April – 5 July
Term 3: 22 July – 27 September
Term 4: 14 October – 17 December
Di and Team Bayview Staff

13 February – 5pm Keeping Ourselves Safe parent meeting
23 February – Long Bay Picnic
29 February – BOT meeting
27 March – partnership meetings 1pm – 7pm (school closes at 12.30pm)
29 March – Good Friday holiday
1 April – Easter Monday holiday
2 April – Easter holiday for schools
4 April – BOT meeting
12 April – Last day for term 1 school closes at 2pm
Fundraising Dates: