Newsletter 20th June 2024

Bayview Primary School
School Newsletter
Empower Our Future

Newsletter Date:  20 June 2024

Issue: 09/24



On Wednesday 12th June a special group of performers attended the 2024 ShowQuest and Toi event. This was held at the Kiri TeKanawa theatre in the Aorea centre before a crowd of thousands. Our performers and backstage crew made us so proud! Their performance was amazing and they represented Bayview School with pride. Whilst we didn’t win the overall category we did win a number of accolades: 

Showquest performance

Highly Commended Lighting

Best ZM Soundtrack Award

Best Theme

Highly Commended Drama

In the Wearable Arts section (Toi) we had a team of creators, designers and tailors make two outfits: Let’s Get Kraken and Rags to Jello.

TOI Wearable Arts

Excellent Garment Construction

Outstanding Stage Presence

A huge thank you to Elleen Davids, Toni Hoy, Shannon Corlett and Teana Upson for providing our learners with the opportunity to participate in these events. Thank you to the parents for supporting our learners. To our performers, our creators, the learners who made the costumes, to the backstage crew who helped with lighting and sound and ensuring everything was just right – we applaud you and are so incredibly proud of you!


On Thursday 13th June our kapa haka group went down to the community centre and performed for the ‘Homegrown Early Childhood’ group. Our performers were amazing (even those who were tired from the night before!). We always receive such lovely feedback from this group. Ka rawe kapa haka group!

RAFFLE – Please send your money, butts and unsold tickets back to school now

A gentle reminder that the last day to sell tickets is Sunday 23rd June and all raffle butts, money, and unsold tickets are due back to school on Monday 24th June.

The raffle will be drawn on Thursday 27th June under police supervision. 


Tēnā koutou Bayview whānau.

Tamariki and kaiako have been working hard all term on our projects for our Bayview Matariki Showcase next week on Wednesday the 26th of June. This event will start at 1:45pm with a mihi whakatau (welcome) under the COLA by the hall. We invite you all to participate in this special ceremony, which will be followed up with a performance from our kapa haka.

After this performance, whānau can move around the showcase to view our Habitat’s projects and participate in some interactive Matariki activities.

The showcase and interactive events will run after school until 3:50 so bring your whānau and friends for a special afternoon! The event will conclude with a waiata and karakia under the COLA at 3:50pm.

Mānawatia a Matariki!

Sarah Fink and Adelaine Arias


Please note the school will be closed for instruction on the following days:

Friday 28th June – Matariki holiday

Monday 1st July – Teacher Only Day

Term 2 finishes on Friday 5th July at 2pm

Term 3 begins on Monday 22nd July at 9am.

Term Dates For 2024:

Term 1: 31 January – 12 April

Term 2: 29 April – 5 July

Term 3: 22 July – 27 September

Term 4: 14 October – 17 December

Di and Team Bayview Staff


Year 5/6 cycle skills – 19th-21st June

Habitat 4 & 8 trip to Corbans Art Studio – 24 June

Habitat 1, 2, 3 trip to Corbans Art Studio – 25 June

Matariki Showcase afternoon – 26th June

BOT mtg 6pm – 27th June

Matariki public holiday – 28th June

Teacher Only Day – 1st July

Mid Year reports come home – 4th July

Term 2 finishes 2pm – 5th July

Fundraising Dates:

Last day for selling raffle tickets – 24 June

Raffle books due back – 24th June

Raffle drawn – 27th June

Y4/5 Bake sale (for camp 2025) – 3rd July

Welcome to the following learners who have joined the Bayview whānau:

Harper Heaven, Olive Hurley & Maryam Abdel Rahman

If you intend to enrol your child at Bayview School this year we ask that you please fill out an intention to enrol form from our website as this helps us ensure we have enough teachers! We can also then ensure you are invited to the appropriate termly enrolment meetings with our transition to school leader.

Please note our out-of-zone enrollments will open on Monday 2nd September. If you live out of our school zone and would like your child to join us for the 2025 academic year you will need to submit an out-of-zone enrollment.

Sports Update

Basketball Semester 1: 

As semester 1 comes to end, we would just like to shout out to the coaches and managers of our 5 basketball teams. Thank you for your commitment, guidance, patience and support for our players. They have learnt so much from you.

Registrations for Semester 2 are now open. Please see Seesaw announcements.

Y1 and Y2: Bayview

Coach and Manager: Luke Mower and Pippa Mothersole

Y3 and Y4: Bayview Wolves

Coach and Manager: Luke Roberts and Shar Lee

Y3 and Y4: Bayview Raiders

Coaches and Manager: Jason Purvis, Guy Mothersole and Jo Purvis

Y5 and Y6: Bayview Breakers

Coach and Manager: Pat McElhannan and Alice Sandilands

Y5 and Y6: Bayview Warriors

Coach and Manager: Abbey Neil-Clark, Jason Purvis and Jo Purvis

A message from a very proud manager, Shar Lee:

“ It’s been a tough season for our girls but I’m just super proud of them. They play every game with heart and passion regardless of circumstances – reffing or size of the boys they play or when the other team charges and tackles them as if it was a game of rugby. These girls try their hardest to follow the rules and demonstrate outstanding sportspersonship. It makes me proud to receive compliments every game either from the opposing team’s coach, parents or from the ref, even the Harbour venue controller at Eventfinda Stadium Tessa  Bennett. They’ve been impressed by how good our team is for their age, teamwork and determination as an all girls team.”

The team had the privilege of attending the latest Tuatara game and managed to get selfies with some of the team as well!

Rippa Tournament:

On June 6th, 3 Bayview rippa teams headed off to play against other schools from the Glenfield area at Kaipatiki Park. The teamwork, support, encouragement and sportspersonship was outstanding from all players and they made us proud. Thank you to the wonderful parents who came along for the day to help coach and support the players.

The next tournament will be held in Term 3, Week 4 15/8/24 and the same teams will be attending. 

North Harbour Netball: 

This is one sport that never stops playing when the weather is bad. You can imagine our surprise when all netball was called off due to the thunderstorms and lightning that recently hit Auckland. The Wednesday evenings can be cold, wet and windy for our Year 5 and 6 players (and supporters!) and we commend you for your commitment turning up each week. Below is an update of how they have been doing so far. 

8th May

Bayview 8, Mairangi Bay 16

POD: Rhys                                           

15th May 

Bayview 7, Murrays Bay 11

POD: Mischa

22 May 

Bayview 19, St Josephs 5

POD: Eden                                                              Katrina Cray – leader of PE/Sports/Health

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