Newsletter 4th July 2024

Bayview Primary School
School Newsletter
Empower Our Future

Newsletter Date:  4 July 2024

Issue: 10/24



Today we are sending home your child’s mid year report! Please check their bags for this. We hope you find the information in the report useful and that you feel a sense of pride in what your child has achieved. We are very proud of our learners and know that each child is different and learns in their own way! If you have any questions about your child’s report please send your child’s teacher a message on Seesaw and they would be happy to make a time to meet with you after the term break.


Thank you to everyone for supporting our school raffle this year! We really appreciate you trying to sell as many tickets as you could. Every little bit of money raised makes a difference and will go towards creating a new playscape in the central courtyard! The winners of the prizes have been contacted. Congratulations to all prize winners.

A huge thank you to Anne Crooks, a long time friend of the school who once again volunteered to run the raffle. Anne is a wonderful friend of Bayview School and is a great role model for helping others. Thank you Anne, we appreciate you!


Thank you to everyone who managed to come to our Matariki showcase last week! We had the most wonderful turn out of parents, grandparents and friends of Bayview School for our mihi whakatau. It was a delight to see so many people come and share in this special celebration. We are so incredibly proud of our learners and the work they produced. It was fabulous being able to share our learning with you!

A massive thank you to Adelaine Arias and Sarah Fink for leading the showcase. We are lucky to have such amazing and passionate teachers and support staff.


Thank you all for your fabulous support this term. We appreciate you working alongside us to create great learning opportunities for your children. Thank you for coming on trips with us and for attending events onsite. We hope you get the opportunity to have a bit of rest and recharge time with your children over the term break and we look forward to seeing you all again on Monday 22nd July.

Term 2 finishes on Friday 5th July at 2pm

Term 3 begins on Monday 22nd July at 9am.

Term Dates For 2024:

Term 1: 31 January – 12 April

Term 2: 29 April – 5 July

Term 3: 22 July – 27 September

Term 4: 14 October – 17 December


22nd July Term 3 begins

9 August – Kaipatiki Kahui Ako Matariki Kapa Haka festival, Glenfield College

12 August – Maths week

13 August – senior school cross country

15 August BOT mtg 6pm

15 August Rippa Rugby Festival

19-23 August – Auckland Museum fossils and dinosaurs exhibit onsite

22nd August – Year 6 learners at GIS for an activity day

26 August – Book Fair opens

27 August – Author visit from Michael Mulipola

27 August – meeting for parents of Y4/5 learners about CAMP 2025 

29 August Interschool cross country

30 August Dress up as your favourite book character

2 September Out-of-zone enrolments open

19 September BOT mtg 6pm

27 September term 3 finishes at 2pm

Fundraising Dates:

Scholastic Book Fair – 26th August – 4th September

Kids Art Work calendars – order form comes home on 29th August.

Welcome to the following learners who have joined the Bayview whānau:

Maryam Abdel Rahmen, Violet Sweetlove, Zoe Sweetlove, Penny Wong, Kylie Wong

If you intend to enrol your child at Bayview School this year we ask that you please fill out an intention to enrol form from our website as this helps us ensure we have enough teachers! We can also then ensure you are invited to the appropriate termly enrolment meetings with our transition to school leader.

Please note our out-of-zone enrolments will open on Monday 2nd September. If you live out of our school zone and would like your child to join us for the 2025 academic year you will need to submit an out-of-zone enrolment.

We hope you have a wonderful term break! We look forward to seeing you all on 

Monday 22nd July!    

School starts at 9am.  

Di and Team Bayview Staff

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