Newsletter 15th August 2024

Bayview Primary School
School Newsletter
Empower Our Future

Newsletter Date:  15 August 2024

Issue: 12/24


There is so much to be proud of this term. We have received some amazing feedback from organisations about our Kura!


On Friday 9th August 102 members of our Kapa Haka group performed at our annual Kaipatiki Matariki festival. Our group was amazing! They performed with pride and mana and received a tautoko haka from whānau and from Glenfield College students. This was a huge honour for them. Our learners then did the same tautoko to other school groups to show their appreciation of the mahi they had done in preparation for their performance and the actual performance. What amazing supportive learners we have at Bayview!


On Wednesday 7th August Habitats 10 and 12 visited the All Blacks experience in Auckland City. The next day one of our local principals visited this and the manager told her about an amazing group of learners they had the previous day! He told her they were so well behaved and had excellent manners and showed great engagement in the experience. He then said they were from Bayview School! I love getting this kind of feedback and we do work hard to ensure all our learners represent Bayview with pride! Well done H10 and H12!


On Tuesday 13th August we held our cross country races for our 8-11 year olds. To motivate and engage the runners we took them up to Glenfield College to run the races. Glenfield College was amazing and set up gazebos for the runners and had a challenging yet achievable course set up. Some of the Glenfield College seniors worked with our children to warm up for their races and others helped keep them settled when they were not racing! We also had the most amazing parent support on the day with parents volunteering to marshall on the day and others who were the biggest cheerleaders! Some even ran the course with the children as an extra incentive!

The day finished with a special race between some of our staff and some of the Glenfield College pupils. We were annihilated but the good news is no-one got hurt! (i.e. no pulled muscles or broken bones in the adults 🙂).

The feedback we received from Glenfield College staff was humbling. Once again our learners were well mannered, happy, and did their best to ensure Glenfield College was left tidy!

Our kids had a blast and everyone showed their resilience and persistence! From this day we have sorted our interschool cross country team and they will be competing against the other schools in our kahui ako on Thursday 29th August.

Thank you to Katrina Cray for organising this event and we look forward to next year making it even better!


Our 5-7 year olds will be running their cross country on Friday 23rd August. A note has already come home about this and we hope you can join us. There is still time to order an iceblock for after the races. You can order on ezlunch, $2 per iceblock. Iceblocks are also available for 8-11 year olds to order even though they will not be running on this day.


This week has been maths week across the whole of Aotearoa. I hope you have had a bit of fun with your child working through the maths workbook that was sent home last Friday! These are due back tomorrow and one lucky winner will receive a prize, a board game for your whānau!

During maths week our learners have engaged in a range of activities. Yesterday they had to complete a Maths Hunt around the school. Our learners worked in teams involving our Y0-Y6 learners and had to answer a range of questions to then receive a shape that then had to be arranged into a design. The kids had a blast running around the school and trying their best to answer the maths questions! Everyone did a great job especially the senior learners who ran each maths station!


Our annual book fair is arriving on the 22nd August. It will be open for sales on Monday 26th August. This is the opportunity to purchase some amazing books from Scholastic to support your child with their reading. During this week we will be running some special activities starting with a book character dress-up on Monday 26th August. During this week our learners will be engaging in a range of other book-themed activities.

YEAR 5/6 CAMP 2025:

On Tuesday 27th August, there will be a special meeting for parents of all current year 4 and 5 learners regarding camp 2025. The meeting will start at 5.30pm. This meeting is to inform parents of the reason why we go on camp, where we will be taking our learners to next year, and some information about costs and fundraising events. At this meeting, we will also be asking for parents who are interested in attending camp as helpers to fill out a police vetting form. All parents who attend a Bayview School camp must have a police check as this is a requirement under the Vulnerable Children’s Act.

A separate note will be sent home to the parents of year 4/5 learners to share more details.

Term Dates For 2024:

Term 1: 31 January – 12 April

Term 2: 29 April – 5 July

Term 3: 22 July – 27 September

Term 4: 14 October – 17 December


15 August BOT mtg 6pm

15 August Rippa Rugby Festival

19-23 August – Auckland Museum fossils and dinosaurs exhibit onsite

22nd August – Year 6 learners at GIS for an activity day

26 August – Book Fair opens

27 August – Author visit from Michael Mulipola

27 August – meeting for parents of Y4/5 learners about CAMP 2025 

29 August Interschool cross country

2 September Out-of-zone enrolments open

19 September BOT mtg 6pm

27 September term 3 finishes at 2pm

Fundraising Dates:

Scholastic Book Fair – 26th August – 4th September

Kids Art Work calendars – order form comes home on 29th August. Orders close 26th September.

CAMP bake sale – 11th September

Disco – 20th September

Welcome to the following learners who have joined the Bayview whānau:

Jireh-Elise Tuuga, Noah Aspden, Daniella Irangabiye, Ethan Graham, Roy Sargeant, Lily Sargeant

If you intend to enrol your child at Bayview School this year we ask that you please fill out an intention to enrol form from our website as this helps us ensure we have enough teachers! We can also then ensure you are invited to the appropriate termly enrolment meetings with our transition to school leader.

Please note our out-of-zone enrolments will open on Monday 2nd September. If you live out of our school zone and would like your child to join us for the 2025 academic year you will need to submit an out-of-zone enrolment.

Di and Team Bayview Staff

Sports update


TopCorner kids held their tournament in the last week of the school last term on Sunday! The Bayview kids represented the school excellently and one of the teams even won their age bracket, which means that coach Champ must be doing something right! Congratulations team for your hard-work and achievement!! 

Topcorner kids football are offering an afterschool program for term 4. Please see the flyer below.

Miniball semester 1:

Congratulations to all of our teams who showed perseverance and resilience throughout semester 1. Thank you for your sportspersonship on and off the courts. A huge thank you to our coaches and management teams for your hard work and support.

Semester 2 kicks off in a couple of weeks. Registrations are now closed and we will be entering 5 very full teams!


Year 5/6 results:

Birkenhead 0 | Bayview 10 

Player Of the Day: Marliyah


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60 Bayview Road Glenfield North Shore 0629