Newsletter Date: 1 December 2022
Issue: 17/22
We are nearly at the end of the year, with our final day at school being Monday 19th December. Just a reminder that we close at 12.30pm on that day!
Our teachers have been busy assessing the children so they can write the end of year report. This report comes home on Friday 16th December. Along with the report you will receive my final newsletter for the year with the school organisation for 2023, the stationery list which is purchased online and a note about the new uniform. Please look out for this in your child’s bag on the 16th December.
This is also the time where we are conducting stocktakes on our school resources and storing things away for the summer break. Our annual library stocktake is happening on the 5th – 9th of December. We need ALL library books returned by this date please. Unreturned library books will be invoiced to the last child who took it out of the library. Please take the time to search for these at home now!
We would also love to have our readers returned please. If you come across any reading books under couches or beds or stuffed at the bottom of school bags please send these back to school also.
We are also on the lookout for tokens! If your child has a stash at home please encourage them to bring them back to school to use with our voting system.
If you find any other school resources that have made their way home we would love to have these returned as well so these can be stored away.
We have received an update around our new uniform. Sadly due to transport issues there has been a slight delay in getting the new uniforms in store. These are now due late January 2023. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause you. You will still be able to pre-order these. Our new school uniform is available from Janbells
Just a reminder that during the 2023 school year your child is able to wear either the old school uniform or the new uniform. From the beginning of 2024 all learners will need to be in the new school uniform.
This Friday, 2nd December we are holding the colour run! This is an activity where your child runs (or walks) around a course with some obstacles involving water (it helps the dye stick!) and coloured dye is thrown at them. It is a lot of fun and the kids love crossing the finish line covered in dye! It is very important that the children bring a change of clothes as they will not be able to do this in their school uniform. FYI the dye may not wash out of the clothing so please send old clothes or clothes you and the children do not mind getting a little stained. We are looking for parent helpers to assist on the course and to help bring the magic to the day! If you don’t mind getting a little colourful yourself and have a great sense of humour then please consider coming along to make this day a success. You can email Katrina [email protected] to let her know you can help. The run starts at 1.30pm on the top court.
We have a growing pile of lost property outside habitat 9 (next to the library). There are lots of hats, polar fleece jumpers and other various pieces of clothing mounting up on the table. Please feel free to come and have a look if your child is missing any items. Thank you to the parents who have named their child’s clothing as this makes it so much easier to return to it’s owner.
You will know that we currently have two construction works happening at school. The refurbishment of habitats 2, 3, 4, and 5 is on track and is due to be completed by the end of January 2023 so classes can move back for the beginning of the school year. Along with the classrooms the two toilet blocks in the main school are being refurbished. The habitat 2 toilets are on track to be completed on time and on the 7th December the habitat 11 toilet block will be under demolition in the hope this can be ready for the start of the 2023 school year!
The COLA is also on track to be completed by the end of the year. We are a little reliant on the weather for some aspects i.e. putting the cover over the frame. We need a day that is fine and not windy for this to occur.
We thank you for your patience as all this work has taken place. Next year we will have beautiful new classrooms and toilets and an amazing all weather outdoor space to use!
We have an increasing number of parents who are crossing Bayview Road down at the corner of Glastron Ave and Bayview Road. This teaches the children very bad habits as they then think it is safe to cross the road without using the pedestrian crossing. We have witnessed many near misses as young children do not have the cognitive ability to cross the road safely. Please bring your child to the pedestrian crossing to cross the road, please teach them correct road safety, it will only take a few minutes of your time.
On Sunday 18th December we are running a car boot sale in our lower carpark. All money raised will go towards supporting a counsellor at our school. During the car boot sale there will be:
Mr and Mrs Claus – based in the community centre, Santa and his wife will be available for photographs for a donation.
Kids Fun Zone – there will be a play space set up in the community centre and a colouring station to keep the kids occupied while you shop.
Popcorn – PJ from Harcourts will have popcorn to sell for $1, with the proceeds to go towards the fundraiser.
Sausage sizzle – Bayview ELC will do a sausage sizzle, with the proceeds to go towards the fundraiser.
There will be a raffle on the day with vouchers so far from Piped in Plumbing, Gardening Services, and Loafers Bakery.
Carparks for the car boot sale are available for $20 a spot.
Mark the date in your diary!
This year we are having to be very creative around how we run our end of year events. Normally we would hold a big day in with the whole school but due to restrictions on space each learning group is conducting their own big day out! Kauanuanu are going to Marlborough Park on Thursday 15th December. Pikorua are going to Milford Beach on Tuesday 13th December. Harakeke are going to Lynn Reserve on Wednesday 7th December. We know each group will have lots of fun.
At this time of the year we would normally hold a sports prizegiving but because we do not have a space that can accommodate the whole school all at once in the shade, this will be done virtually. We know you will understand the restrictions we currently have that are affecting these events.
Our Year 6 graduation is being held on Monday 12th December and will be held at Belong Church 19b Poland Road, Wairau Valley.
Our prizegiving is an evening event this year and will also be held at Belong Church. If your child is receiving an award you will have received an invitation in the mail. Only award recipients and their families will need to attend.
On Friday 16th December we will hold our farewell assembly on the top court first thing in the morning. This is mainly for our year 6 learners who are moving off to intermediate school but we also farewell other students who are moving house and moving school. This will also be the time where we farewell staff who are moving on.
At the end of this year we will be saying farewell to Stephanie Richardson who has been taking a year 1 class while Shannon Corlett has been on maternity leave. Stephanie has been a wonderful teacher in habitat 3 and a great addition to the Bayview staff. We wish her well as she continues her teaching career.
We are also farewelling Rachel Cosslett who has taught a year 2 class while Jinny Kim spent a year with her family. Rachel has won a position at Newmarket Primary and we couldn’t be more proud of her! We wish Rachel every success as she moves forward with her career.
Also leaving at the end of this year is Kawal Bedi. Kawal has a passion for teaching maths and tutors students after school and on weekends. Kawal has made the decision to follow her passion and will be teaching mathematics at Albany Junior High School in 2023. Kawal has been at Bayview for a number of years and we will miss her many talents and positivity.
At Bayview School we have four key values that are interwoven through all that we do: Citizenship, Attitude, Responsibility and Empathy. Learners who display these values consistently throughout the year are awarded a certificate at the end of the year. There are three types of We CARE awards. Bronze is for any learner who displays these values consistently throughout the year. Silver is for learners who achieve a bronze level but also volunteer for roles that support the kaupapa of the school and that help others. Silver awards are mainly achieved in the senior school but sometimes a very deserving year 4 learner has received one. Gold awards are for the learners who achieve the bronze and silver criteria and then go above and beyond this by using their own initiative and drive to make the school and the community a better place. Gold We CARE are very difficult to achieve.
A We CARE award is decided by the class teacher and a great deal of consideration is given as to who will receive one. Silver and Gold awards are decided by the whole staff in collaboration.
This year Silver and Gold We CARE awards will be given out at the prizegiving on the 14th December. Bronze We CARE awards will be given out in learning groups. This year the Bronze We Care awards will be held at the Bayview Community Centre, please see the diary dates for each learning groups award ceremony. Parents of recipients will be contacted and invited to attend one of these events.
Learning groups:
Kauanuanu: Habitats 4, 5F, 5H, 6, 11, 17, 18
Harakeke: Habitats 1, 7, 8, 14, 16, 20
Pikorua: Habitats 2, 3, 12, 13, 15, 19
23 Jan – office open for all enquiries
2nd Feb – Whānau map meetings
3rd Feb – Whānau map meetings
7th Feb – All children return
6th April – Last day of term 1
24th April – Term 2 begins
30th June – Last day of term 2
17th July – Term 3 begins
22nd Sept – Last day of term 3
9th October – Term 4 begins
19th December – Last day of the year
A huge welcome to the following learners who have started at Bayview School!
Amanda Oliverio & Albert Wang
We look forward to developing our connections with you over this year and to give every child at Bayview the best learning opportunities. We are stronger when we work together.
Di and Team Bayview Staff
Dates for diaries
2023 road patrol training 9am
BOT mtg 6pm
School colour run
Library stocktake
H12 & H15 zoo trip
Harakeke big day in
H11 toilet block renovations begin
Year 6 graduation at C3 Belong Church 5.30pm
H13/14 AUT Millenium centre
Kauanuanu bronze We Care award ceremony 9.15am
Harakeke We Care award ceremony 9.15am
Pikorua big day in
Pikorua Bronze We Care award ceremony 9.15am
Whole School Prizegiving at C3 Belong Church 6pm
Kauanuanu big day in
End of year reports sent home
Farewell Assembly 9am
Last school day for 2022