Newsletter Date: 30 March 2023
Issue: 04/23
We are almost at the end of term 1. It has been wonderful being able to get into a proper routine after the messy start to the term. The thing we have loved the most is having our parents and caregivers back onsite and being able to have events on the school grounds! Thank you to everyone who has come in and joined in the activities or just come in to say hello.
Next term we look forward to building on the successes from this term. And maybe, just maybe we might have a COLA!
Thank you to everyone who managed to come in for a feedback meeting. Our relationship with you is important to us and we honestly want to work beside you around your child’s learning journey. By working together our impact is greater!
Next term teachers will be assessing and writing a mid year report for your child. We will share the timeline for this next term.
Bayview School is a positive culture for learning school. As part of this we use restorative practices to help learners build the skills and emotional inteligence to resolve problems in a positive and affirming way. We use the following language during a restorative chat which you may find useful to use at home as well:
- Address both parties in turn What happened?
- Wrongdoer What were you thinking?
or What were you hoping would happen?
or What was going on for you when you….?
Who has been affected? In what way?
or What do you think that was like for……?
- Victim What did you think when that happened? or
What was that like for you? What was the worst of it?
- Wrongdoer What can you say to……. About what you did that will begin to make things right? or Was what you did fair or unfair? Helpful or unhelpful? Good choice or poor choice? or What exactly are you sorry for?
- Victim Will you accept the apology?
Is there anything else ……………. Could do to fix things for you?
- Wrongdoer Is that fair? Can you do that?
Is there anything else you can think of that might help?
- To both So this is what we agreed …………. Do either of you need any help with this?
How would you both like me to check up on this?
Thanks for being prepared to sort this out. Have a good day!
Next term, we are excited to begin our Mitey journey. Mitey is a school wide evidenced based approach to mental wellbeing funded by the Sir John Kirwan Foundation. It provides the tools for teachers, staff and communities to teach wellbeing strategies to our students that align with the NZ curriculum. There is more information about this available on their website
Rhianon McIntyre Lead teacher Mitey and Nathan Hinton Lead teacher Postive culture for Learning.
School finishes for term 1 on Thursday 6th April (due to Easter). Please note for this day we will be closing at 3pm. This is because our children will be returning from camp and we recognise many parents will have learners in Year 5 or 6 as well as in some of the younger classes. Please note traffic around the school will be very busy on this afternoon. If you choose to pick your child up early on this day please make sure you sign them out in the office.
We are so happy that we are once again able to hold whole school assemblies on Friday mornings. All parents, caregivers and whānau are welcome to come along to these assemblies which are a celebration of learning. Assemblies normally start around 9.10am and finish around 9.40am. If your child is receiving a learning certificate your child’s teacher will make contact with you to let you know so you can come along if you are free to do so.
A huge welcome to the following learners who have started at Bayview School!
Ambner Ditan, A ron Ditan, Mira Ye, Loucious Miru-Terewi
We look forward to developing our connections with you over this year and to give every child at Bayview the best learning opportunities. We are stronger when we work together.
Di and Team Bayview Staff
Dates for diaries
Cluster sports@Glenfield College 31/3
Daylight saving ends 2nd April
Year 5 / 6 CAMP 3-6 April
H8/16 stream trip 4/4
H15 Bayview Hikoi 5/4
End of term school closes at 3pm 6/4
Good Friday 7/4
Easter Monday 10/4
Term Break 7-25 April
Term 2 starts Wednesday 26/4
National Library Week (April 23 – 29, 2023)
Con. Louise Road Patrol refresher training 2/5
Softball promo – whole school 3/5
H8 & H15 Corban Estate Arts Centre trip 4/5
Year 1 Trip to Corban Arts Centre 12/5
31/3 iceblocks
26 May curriculum taster sessions 3pm-5pm
Term 2 Raffle (dates TBC)
Looking for an exciting after-school activity that will get your heart pumping and help improve your football skills? TopCorner Kids football is coming to Bayview School in T2 2023! Structured for students of all skill levels, our experienced coaches will deliver this fun and engaging programme that will help develop a variety of football skills and techniques in a fun, social environment with classmates! Come join us on the field in Term 2!