Newsletter 30 January 2025

Bayview Primary School
School Newsletter
Empower Our Future

Newsletter Date:  30 January 2025

Issue: 01/25

Dear Parents and Caregivers

Welcome back to the 2025 academic year. We have had a fabulous start to the year with lots of very happy learners today! 

We have some new teachers who have joined us this year. You may have seen them around the school. We warmly welcome Victoria Walsh in Habitat 2 and Bronnie Ryan as our ESOL teacher, to our staff! These wonderful teachers have already spent weeks preparing for the start of the year and have made a great start with our learners. I am sure you will make them feel welcome in true Bayview style.

Our organisation for this year is:  (Please note the learning group your child is in)







Nathan Hinton | Alyssa Farrow



Katrina Cray



Cinnamon Davies



TeAna Lambert



Victoria Walsh



Kara Napier




Janelle Staples



Elleen Davids



Megan McGuire



Andy Samphanphorn



Shannon Corlett



Adelaine Arias




Rhianon Pearce (McIntyre)



Sydney Haslem



Jackie Terry



Alfie Luque



Alaica Ramphul



Melissa Whiting

Tumuaki/Principal – Diane Raynes

Tumuaki Tuarua/Deputy Principal – Shelley Matuku

Assistant Principal – Alyssa Farrow

CRT teacher – Garden to Table – Sarah Fink

CRT/PCT teacher, Structured Literacy support – Tegan Cheeseman

Structured Literacy support – Hayley Roberts

Classroom Release teachers – Adam Strickland, Meena Mehra

ESOL teacher – Bronnie Ryan

Kaiawhina/Teacher Aides – Angela Duncan, Katie Hearl, Larissa Latoa, Sifa Matasifa

Office Manager –  Shannon Sofaea 

Bursar – LaiHar Lim

Caretaker – Mr Erik Corbett

Grounds Beautification – Jane Gibbons

As well as a learning group your child will also be allocated a house group. They will be placed in their house group by Shannon in the office at enrolment. Your entire family will be in the same house group. If you are unsure of which group they are in please ask your child’s teacher.


Gosh, our learners look great in their uniform. Thank you to everyone who has ensured their children are in the correct school uniform to start the year. Please ensure all your child’s clothing is named with their first name and their surname so these can be returned if left around the school. The only jewellery permitted is stud earrings, a watch, an upstander wristband, medic alert bracelet, pounamu necklace, or religious necklace i.e. crucifix.  For safety reasons, we ask that all learners with long hair have it tied up while at school. Please also note that your child must wear a sunhat when they are playing outside during terms 1 and 4. 

Please note the following which are NOT school uniform:

  • Gumboots
  • Crocs
  • Jandals
  • Old school uniform polos or jumpers

  If there is an issue with any of this please feel free to chat with your child’s teacher or a member of the leadership team.

Lost Property

Any unnamed uniform items that we find around the school will be put into lost property. This can be found under the covered walkway outside Habitat 11. You will have access to this out of school hours.

Mobile Phones

It has always been a policy at Bayview School that any child that brings a mobile phone to school must hand it into the office in the morning and collect it at 3pm. Our learners do not use mobiles for their learning. If your child does not hand their mobile in and it gets broken or misplaced it will be the responsibility of you and your child. Please support us by reminding your child to hand their phone into the office when they arrive at school.

Literacy and Mathematics

You may have read or heard in the media the governments focus on literacy and numeracy in schools. We have always given priority to these learning areas as they are the cornerstone of a quality education. At Bayview we started to make changes to our maths and literacy programmes a number of years ago (before the governments mandated changes). We saw that some learners needed a different approach to learn the basics. We are well down the track of implementing structured literacy and maths compared to some other schools. In literacy we use the iDeal platform for our structured literacy from Year 0- 6. In Maths we use Maths No Problem from Year 2-6 and Numicon at Year 0/1. This year we will share some of the features of these programmes with you through our newsletters and meetings at school.

Long Bay Picnic

This year we are holding our Long Bay Picnic on Friday 7th February (next Friday!). Please note there will be no one at school to supervise any learners who are not attending. If you have not yet signed a permission slip for your child to attend please do so as soon as possible.

Life Education Caravan

This term all our classes will be visiting the Life Education caravan between Friday 21st February and Friday 7th March. There is no cost to this as it is covered by the schools donation scheme.

Road Safety

Please use the pedestrian crossing if you are crossing Bayview Road. This is teaching your child how to cross a busy road safely!  What you role model will be what your child does! Safety first!

If you are interested

Special 2025 Events

This year we have lots of exciting events organised such as:

Disco’s, camps, sleepovers, evening picnics, expos, Showquest, Toi, Whole school production, Matariki celebrations, cluster sports events, colour run, and BoT elections.

Megan McGuire in habitat 13 is in charge of events this year and will support our learners to run special events such Do Blue for Diabetes, Gumboot Friday, SPCA fundraisers, etc. Please note that all our fundraisers are for organisations that support children or animals. We foster the idea of children helping children and those that cannot help themselves (animals).

Elleen Davids will be overseeing our Showquest and Toi events and our whole school production.

It is going to be a busy year and I hope you will consider getting behind us for all of these events.

Garden To Table

This year Sarah Fink will be driving our Garden to Table programme through classroom release time. Sarah is looking for parent and caregiver helpers to support her drive this programme. Please see her notice below:

Calling all gardening and kitchen whiz parents, grandparents, aunties, and uncles! This year all Bayview School habitats will get the chance to participate in the Garden to Table programme where we grow, harvest, prepare and share food. To run the most amazing sessions we need volunteers to help! If you have some time to join us, please get in touch at the office or email me: [email protected]

Lunchbox rubbish notice:

Did you know that Bayview School is a Green/Gold enviroschool? Part of our commitment to being an enviroschool is keeping our environment clean and making sustainable choices with our waste. You may have noticed we do not have rubbish bins around our school. That is because we expect our children to take their waste home with them i.e. any food wrappings they bring in their lunchboxes. We do have composting and can compost all organic waste such as apple cores etc so that the compost can be used in our gardens. Thanks to the many families who try hard to pack a waste-free lunch. In the words of our amazing Eco-Warriors – ‘be waste-free every day, keep your food nude!’

Sarah Fink – Garden to Table teacher

Term dates for 2025:

Term 1: 29 January – 11 April

Term 2: 28 April – 27 June

Term 3: 14 July – 19 September

Term 4: 6 October – 12 December                                                                            Di and Team Bayview Staff

2025 Dates for diaries

30 January – All learners start in their habitats

31 January – Mihi whakatau for new learners and their families

6 February – Waitangi Day holiday

7 February – Whole School Long Bay picnic

17 February – Year 3 and 4 trip to Rangitoto

21 Feb- 7 March – Life Education Caravan onsite

28 February – TEACHER ONLY DAY school is closed

21 March – Disco 5pm-6.30pm

7-11 April – Year 5&6 Camp

9 April – Year 4 sleepover at school

10 April – Year 3 picnic evening 4.30-6pm

11 April – Last day of term 1 school closes at 2pm

28 April – Term 2 starts


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