Newsletter Date: 27 February 2025
Issue: 03/25
Kia ora Team Bayview
Thank you for supporting us with ensuring your child wears the correct uniform to school each day. You will be aware that our learners are expected to wear navy blue shorts, trousers, skort or skirt to school. You can purchase these from any supplier you wish but we do ask that they are navy blue and are not too short. We currently have some children coming in jeans or lycra tights or bike pants. Please note these are not suitable for learners to wear.
Building Works
The building works scheduled for the summer break has finally been approved by the MOE. On Monday we very quickly relocated Habitat 10 into the multimedia suite and habitat 8 into the top part of the library.
Stax construction are carrying out the refurbishment of Habitats 1, 8, 9, and 10. They are doing their best to complete the work as soon as possible so please bear with us as we have fences around these classrooms and disruption in the school.
Life Education
You may have noticed the Life Education caravan in our top carpark. All our learners are participating in this valuable health education programme over the next two weeks. Please support us by ensuring you reinforce the messages around staying clear of the caravan unless they are attending a class.
Board of Trustees
This year we are holding our triannual board elections. Our election day is set for Wednesday 10th September. Shannon Sofaea will be our returning officer. If you are interested in finding out more about how to join the board please feel free to attend a meeting. We have one tonight at 6pm in the staffroom.
Road Safety
Our lower carpark is chained off each morning and afternoon so that our children are safer coming to and from school. Our before and after school programmes drop off and walk through this carpark daily, including the vans from Whānau for Kids. Please note you are not allowed into the carpark unless you have a current 2025 pass. We respectfully ask that you do not get angry with our monitors if they turn you away.
This year the Ministry of Education have a strong focus on supporting learners to attend school regularly. The MOE collect our attendance data every day and then create reports on attendance across the motu (country). The only justified absence is if your child is sick. The following is not deemed a justified absence:
- Holidays during term time.
- Arriving late to school
- Being picked up early from school.
- No explanation (truant)
Or an explanation that does not fall into the justified category.
If your child starts to fall into a poor attendance pattern we will make contact with you to see how we can support you. If this is ineffective we may have to ask attendance service providers to make contact to support parents.
If your child has a medical issue we are able to get support from the public health nurse to help you get back on track.
You can send an absence notification through our website.
Auditions for Toi Wearable Arts
This year we are participating in ShowQuest and Toi wearable Arts competitions. Mrs Davids is overseeing this. She recently asked for interested learners to make a creation as an audition for Toi. This is what they came up with:

We have some wonderfully creative learners at Bayview and we cannot wait to see what they come up with for this competition.
New Learners at Bayview School
A huge welcome to our new learners who have joined Bayview School:
Luca Henderson & Amyia Wallace-Kalavi.
Term dates for 2025:
Term 1: 29 January – 11 April
Term 2: 28 April – 27 June
Term 3: 14 July – 19 September
Term 4: 6 October – 12 December
Days when school is closed
28 February – Mathematics Teacher Only Day
14-25 April – School term break
30 May – Mathematics Teacher Only Day
2 June – Kings Birthday
20 June – Matariki holiday
30 June – 11 July – School term break
22 September – 3 October – School term break
27 October – Labour Day
15 December – Summer holidays
School Policies:
These can be found at:
(Username: Bayview Password: icare)
Di and Team Bayview Staff
2025 Dates for diaries
27 February – Board Meeting 6pm
28 February – TEACHER ONLY DAY school is closed
21 March – Disco 5pm-6.30pm
7-11 April – Year 5&6 Camp
9 April – Year 4 sleepover at school
10 April – Year 3 picnic evening 4.30-6pm
11 April – Last day of term 1 school closes at 2pm
28 April – Term 2 starts